I do have to make clear that I am doing good these days. I do not want you to dwell of negativity, this is more just an outlet for me.
1) The Norwegian grade system. The world is going global and our national education system is gradually getting more internationalized. However, when altering the university grade system from numbers (1.0-4.0) to letters (A-F), they put the additional mark E in the system. There are a few countries with this fifth letter, but the main Western countries do not. This make it hopeless to compare grades with others, as it will be less percentages/points for each grade, i.e. the best grades are harder to achieve (and to get an A in the first place in Norway is only for the very very few).
2) Normal distribution in the grade system. I do not if this is also a Scandinavian phenomenon, but the Gaussian distribution (Gauss-kurven) is the norm for many or most institutions when grading (see red curve in first graph). Most shall get a C (average), some B and D, hardly ever any A or E-students. This means that you performance is always relative to that of you classmates. Even if there is a class of geniuses, most students will get a C. Although some judgement or appraisal is used, it is surreal that this system is widely used.
3) People who do not keep their word or appointments (for no legitimate reason)
4) Having to return to work shops (for instance bike shop) after spending lots of money fixing something (bike), but realizing things are not fully in order when returning home.
5) E-mail spam
6) Phone salesmen
7) Not performing to the best of my ability when I try or want to.
8) Not being able to rewind time when a mistake is being made (although they can generally be made up for).
9) Not being able to help or improve things in situations (generally for others), when that is all you want to do.
10) When a relationship with a superb girl does not work out, albeit all factors appeared to be present for it to do so (sometimes this should be on a separate list too).
første gang eg kommentere på bloggen din - men eg bare måtte! normalfordelinga gjeld ikkje for en enkelt eksamen. universitetet ønske at man har ei normalfordeling av studentan over ei viss tid, dvs fleire eksamen i fleire år. dette e for at man ska ha som mål at det faktisk ikkje ska være sånn at alle ska få A - fordi en A da miste sin betydning.
no e eg imponert over meg sjøl som klare å være så rasjonell fire daga før eksamen at eg faktisk forsvare systemet:)
supert m svar, Inger! You rock! eg anser ikkje lista mi som vældi raffinert og gjennomtænkt, m1 rætt ska være rætt. Eg veit at systemet ikkje e så firkanta som eg gjer uttrøkk førr, og burde nok formidla meg derætter. Men prinsippet og tanken bak e gal. D e greitt om statistikken vise seg å bli sånn, men ikkje at universitet lar ønske om en viss kurve overgå substansn i de faktiske besvarelsan.
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