Wednesday, October 31, 2007

X: Silver play/sølvspill

We became second this weekend at the volleyball ranking tournament in Sandnes, close to the west coast city of Stavanger. I played a couple of the five matches, and am satisfied with my own outside hitting. It was nice combining a social volleyball weekend with a few journalistic tasks for work at the nearby town of Vigrestad. This gave me the opportunity to walk through downtown Stavanger, for the first time in my life, before returning home Monday night. A much viewworthy city, it is.


Vi ble nummer 2. Jeg spilte første kamp og semifinalen, og er tilfreds med innsatsen. Turneringsreferat her. Helga var for øvrig fin med sosial volleyballtur kombinert med skriveoppdrag for Agenda 3:16 på Vigrestad. I tillegg fikk jeg mandag sjansen for første å trave rundt i Stavanger sentrum – en svært flott en by.

Friday, October 26, 2007

X: Volleyball loss/Sportslig askeonsdag

After a strong 3-1 win over Koll on the weekend, it was highly disappointing to lose 3-1 in the league match Wednesday. I came in towards the end of the first game, just to show over the scope of the second, that I should have remained on the bench. Although my ankle is gradually improving, my play has been very random recently. Match report in Norwegian here.

Hopefully this will pick up on the weekend, as we head for Stavanger for important ranking tournament points (for the league).


Etter å ha slått Koll 3-1 i helga, var det ekstra surt å tape 3-1 på hjemmebane i seriekampen onsdag. Kampreferatet har mer om det forKollete forløpet. Jeg ble byttet inn på slutten av første sett, bare for å bruke det og andre sett til å vise at jeg burde holdt meg på benken mot de sortkledte motstanderne. At jeg ikke fikk ta imot hemmer nok min involvering i spillet og ankelen min er ikke 100 % i orden. Men jeg har ingenting fornuftig å skylde på for en laber innsats.

Forhåpentligvis kan dette forbedre seg når vi i kveld setter kursen for Sandnes (ved Stavanger) for å spille rankingturnering i helga. Søndag kveld og mandag skal jeg også gjøre et par skriveoppdrag for jobben (Agenda 3:16).

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Nordnorske setninger – del 6

Etter en tid med fravær, kommer her en ny ti-rader med setninger krydret med begreper jeg tror hører hjemme i dialektene for de tre nordligiste fylkene, særlig Troms.

1. Det va no en snasn fangst du fikk høtta i går
2. Eg skeisa bra då eg va ute og loda i går
3. E dæ rart du bli vrangsøvd sånn som du akkodere kvær bidige natt? Heps på deg buksa, så fer vi.
4. Isj, sa ho, då eg hadde skorre i fesken og dæ mæste kom tytanes ut.
5. Eg får fnatt av ailt pjæsket dett.
6. Han e en bisk en skjettlugg
7. Dæ va go knaill i går, sjøll om eg e heilt læmster i dag.
8. Eg digge lærarjobben mæ aille de ørtn rabagassan.
9. Gidde du å tømme moillfatan?
10. Han e skikkelig kjetti uinner pailabban.

Forklaring/fasit på forfinet bokmål

1. For en vakker fangst du tok i går med det spisse stikkredskapet som brukes i fiske.
2. Jeg fikk en skikkelig sleng da jeg rånekjørte (bevegde meg uforskammet raskt eller uforholdsmessig sakte i trafikken med bilen, gjerne med høy musikk) i aften.
3. Er det rart du er i ulage med nattesøvnen så mye som du krangler og kverulerer hver eneste kveld? Ta på deg buksa skikkelig, så drar vi.
4. Æsj, sa hun, da jeg hadde skåret i fisken og det meste (av innvollene) kom til syne.
5. Jeg blir rastløs i mitt indre av alt av uvesentligheter du tar deg til.
6. Han er en sinna dumrian.
7. Det var svært så gøyalt i går, selv om jeg i dag er kjempeutslitt i kroppen.
8. Jeg har stor sans for lærerjobben min med alle de små, ivrige barna.
9. Kan du være så snill å fjerne innholdet på tallerkenene vi benytter til skall, benrester og annet ikke-spiselig middagsmat?
10. Han er særs kilen under de store beina.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

E: Cup champion impossililty

Only one win in two qualifying matches ain’t good enough to repeat last year’s advancement to the Norwegian volleyball cup quarter final. We met good teams yesterday, but did not play to the maximum of our ability.

The match report (Kvartfestivalen avblåst) on how we beat Koll and lost to Askim, is (as usual) in Norwegian.

There is always next year :) Personally I loved being back on the court with the jersey on, as I have been injured and away for the first three this season. I played fair, but my ankle is holding me back a tad more than what I like, probably mainly mentally. I go to training as usual, but hope to be able to train without restrains soon.

Friday, October 19, 2007

E: Online clips 24

Weekend is coming up, and what better way to celebrate than by a list of fascinating and humorous clips?

The last activity I have seen, executed on a board: ropeboarding.

If you want to continue to be impressed with ropes, I would advice watching this jump rope performence.

In Sweden, a program host once vommited on live TV. Poor girl.

The last three takes are made in Norway. Watch a life pass in 40 seconds, on this Norwegian ad for social security.

Kristian Valen is a Norwegian comedian, here doing impressions of various national artists.

Finally an evidence of how tough the TV journalist job can be. For those not knowing Norwegian, the inteviewed gets upset over the simplest, most logical questions of all, i.e. what is the book (of poems) about?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

X: Life renovation? / Livsrenovering?

I totally enjoy myself, my life, my friends, apartment, volleyball, and my job nowadays. I am healthy and happy.

But at the same time, I go through motions of uneasiness of being misplaced. Not misplaced, just not exactly in place. Through my upbringing, being there to listen and chat to people/friends in need was always something I appreciated. To be able to listen, analyze, solve problems, present, speak, lead and give advices have been rewarding tasks for me. Thus, the thought of maybe becoming a consultant one day has crossed my mind many a time. A job somewhere in between being a psychologist and a profit maximizer. Monday I have a scheduled appointment at the so-called career center at uni, and later I will confront actual firms to quiver about what they need. I am willing to consider going back to full time study for this – I still fancy the idea in spring and fully wants to do this.

Another issue is time priority. I have a minimum of four volleyball practices a week + games every so often. In addition to friends and church, there is not much time off outside of working hours. Therefore, considering stepping down in favor of more interest courses or a bible group, have been on my mind. I do not struggle to get input or share my faith, but I have not had much of close, regular Christian fellowship in some time, which I had during time of going to camps and/or attending the Christian youth/student groups.

I cannot stress enough that these are thoughts about options, and that I am doing well.


Jeg har det bra for tida. Veldig bra. Jeg er frisk og tilfreds til sinns. Leiligheten jeg bor i er stor og sentral nok, og innehar to fremragende medboere. Volleyball er gøy. Videre trives jeg godt som journalist i arbeidslivet, og setter pris på Normisjon og Agenda 3:16.

Men samtidig er det en nagende følelse at jeg kanskje burde gjort noe annet. Gjennom mye av oppveksten har jeg satt stor pris på å kunne være en person flere kom til i vanskelige tider. Det å være med å lytte, analysere, problemløse, presentere, tale, lede og gi råd har alltid vært fengende gjøremål. I mange år har jeg også tenkt på at en gang i tiden kunne jobbe fulltid med noe konsulentaktig. Jeg vil ikke være sjelesørger på den ene siden, eller profitt-maksimerer på den andre. Men nærmere det psykologiske enn det økonomiske felt. Derfor har jeg bestilt en time på Karrieresenteret på universitetet (mandag) for å høre litt med de om hva jeg bør tenke i forhold til erfaring og mulig videreutdanning – om jeg skulle bestemme meg for å tenke i andre baner. Og om jeg skal, har jeg lyst å hoppe litt ut i det, kanskje bli fulltidsstudent igjen om nødvendig, for ikke å la ting drøye så altfor lenge.

En annen utfordring er tidsbruken i min hverdag. Med minst fire treninger i uka, fordelt på tre dager, og ofte kamper i helga tar volleyballen mye av fritida. Jeg har lurt litt på om jeg burde tenke annerledes jamfør det å prøve nye ting, kurs etc. I tillegg har jeg vurdert behovet for å være med i en form for kristen smågruppe. Selv om jeg følger en Bibelleseplan og leser andakter på nett, får med andakt på jobb, gudstjenester på søndager og ber med en del venner, har jeg ikke et fellesskap av typen jeg fikk på kollektivets samling eller på leir. På den andre siden har jeg ikke problemer med å snakke om og dele troa mi med andre. Det er også litt av tanken med å være en del i sekulære miljøer, for å få de møtepunktene med ikke-kristne for å vitne med handling og kanskje til og med ord når samtalesjansen byr seg.

Jeg vil understreke at dette enn så lenge bare er tanker.

Monday, October 15, 2007

E: Volleyday

PS: Norsk kampreferat fra 3-0-seier mot Mosjøen.

Saturday was a full-on volleyball day. It began around 10:30 am with being a part of arranging the practical tasks for the elite women team in the club. My team helps them, and the other way around.

At 2 pm the men’s game was happening. For the third consecutive game this season, I was unable to play. That is, my ankle has been good enough to train all week. But my coach would not let me play to prevent any worsening of the situation. I did not support that decision emotionally, but rationally I would have done the same for any of the players in the second division team I coach. While my team warmed up, I hit the gym. We beat the opponent Mosjøen 3-0 fairly easily, and I wrote the match report (in Norwegian).

After a few hours at home, it was the social aspect of the team’s turn to shine. The player Håkon invited the entire team to his apartment for a pre-party happening from around 7pm to closer to midnight. After lots of celebrating the win, fun, music and some good conversations, we left for the city. I had plan an early return as the pile of tasks for Sunday was big enough already, but winded up going out with my team, plus an additional bunch from the elite women’s team + a few others in the volleyball club. A few happy hours at the night club Süd-Öst (South East) was an amusing memory with dancing, laughing and a good atmosphere. I do not go out much these days, but after returning before 4am last night, I may reconsider that routine :)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

X: Parlez-vous français?

One of the cool things about working in Agenda 3:16 is the many projects countries around the world. Mali is one of them. If all goes according to plan, I will be spending two weeks of January or February between savannahs and desert. I am most content with an opportunity to once again go seriously abroad.

I only know a handful phrases of their official language, French (and not a word of any of the tribe languages). Thus, I seriously consider taking a language course starting at the end of this month. This will take more time than I like, it is not for free, but it will probably be worthwhile. It will be most beneficial for me to learn a bit of the world language, at least sufficiently to ask if someone mind me taking their picture and how much an item costs :)


Agenda 3:16s siste blad kom fra trykkeriet her om dagen, og vil være i folks postpakker neste uke en gang. Les noen smakebiter. Det er gøy å kunne ha ledet an hovedsaken, om fordommer om eldre, og tatt forsidebildet (for øvrig en nabodame som bor i etasjen over oss).

En annen gode med jobben er reisemuligheter. Det er mye som skjer innenlands, men med flere prosjekter ute forbi, er det innimellom behov for å ha journalister ute i felten. Tidlig neste år blir det høyst sannsynlig tilfelle. Mali er et av Normisjons samarbeidsland, og her vil jeg trolig tilbringe to uker av januar eller februar. Det er ikke sikkert ennå, men store sjanser for at jeg sendes avgårde.

Det vestafrikanske landet har mye spennende skrivestoff og er meg personlig et særs attraktivt reisemål. Marit og Ingvill er to av mine venner som har hatt lengre opphold mellom ørken og savannene. Jeg kjenner meg skikkelig klar for et nytt utenlandsopphold.

Jeg kan bare en håndfull franske fraser, og vurderer derfor seriøst å ta et og har tenkt seriøst på å ta et språkkurs før nyttår på folkeuniversitetet. Dette vil ta litt tid og koste litt, men er en god sjanse og anledning til å lære meg litt av verdensspråket – i alle fall nok til å kunne spørre om det er greit å ta bilder og hva ting koster :)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

E: Divine drip 12

I have not been very good at updating these drops, despite a bucket of valuable input in all types of settings. This time around I will give a selection of a few ideas that I have found valuable and/or increased my brain activity.

* Jesus never asks for improvement and increased activity. All he wants is for us to love him. This will most likely cause our behavior to change also, but first and foremost we are made to love (listen to TobyMacs song).

* If you want to live with someone, you need to be willing to die a bit yourself. Love is sacrifice, letting someone else be for whom you live.

* God chooses special characters as his followers, few which are ranked particularly high in the current society. Fishermen and shepherds are obvious examples, but most of the Jesus handpicked people are unknown nobodies till the Lord came along.

* God used the worst happening in history (the crucifixion of Jesus) as the greatest victory.

* Jesus did not promise lack of suffering, but presence whilst it happens.

* When resurrecting, Jesus opened what had been an inseparable connection between sin and death. There is no point in Christianity if not for the ressurection.

* We are not to discover our gifts or get highly trained to be ready to serve for God. Being a servant is accommodating the person in need, not seeing what we ourselves do best. We can all devote our lives in service for others.

Monday, October 08, 2007


En effekt av å slutte å studere, er fravær av lesekrav. Lesing i seg selv er noe av den mest givende aktiviteten man kan finne på alene. Den krever en viss innsats i motsetning til passiviserende tv-titting, men betaler seg i mental utfoldelse og fantasibruk.

Det å lese for hverandre er for øvrig noe ganske så undervurdert. Det er trist at det stort sett forbeholdes foreldre-til-barn relasjonen. Jeg har hatt stor glede av høytlesning mellom høyt utviklede venner (les: ikke lenger barn).

Alfabetet har vært uforandret i lang tid. De aller aller fleste ordene mellom nye permer har vært brukt før. Likevel blir ingen tankerekker de samme. Ingen avsnitt identiske. Ingen bøker like. Men hvilke skal man velge?

Nå for tiden er jeg mest i ferd med å endelig få lest alle de bøkene jeg faktisk har i bokhylla – og det er egentlig relativt få sammenlignet med mange av mine bekjente. Det er de skjønnlitterære jeg ikke har lest samtlige av ennå. Når disse er gjennomlest, er dog listen av uleste verker verkende lang. Jeg har sett oversikter både i Dagbladet og VG av utvalg man ikke kan gå glipp av, men er ikke nødvendigvis sikker på at jeg vil ha like mye igjen for alle sammen. Dette vet jeg av erfaring, samt lang utprøving av å se anbefalinger på filmlister. Selv forslag fra kjente og kjære kan oppleves som noe upassende for egen hjerne – til tross for at de har hatt sterke leseropplevelser av forslagene.

Her er noen bøker jeg har fått anbefalt å lese etter hvert (nei, jeg har ikke lest de):
Beatles – Lars Saabye-Christensen
Iditioten – Dostojevskij
Genanse og verdighet – Dag Solstad
Da Vinci-koden – Dan Brown

Jeg har ellers lyst å lese mer/noe av følgende norske: Jan Kjærstad, Jens Bjørneboe, Knut Nærum, Erlend Loe, Jo Nesbø, Owe Wikstrøm (svensk).

Jeg leste nokså mye som barn og tenåring, men etter hvert som pensumlistene økte, har det ikke vært den enkleste måten å koble ut på. Og har det vært noe, har det stort sett dreid seg om kristen (fag)litteratur. Jeg har hele tiden jevnlig lest min Bibel og brukt noen bibelleseplaner/andaktsbøker, men det blir for åndelig formål. Skjønnlitteratur er dermed noe det har skortet på. Les faglitteratur for å forstå, skjønnlitteratur for å skjønne har jeg tenkt på selv eller ubevisst snappet opp. Hva det betyr, er jeg ikke helt sikker på, men at det er mye å hente i fiktive historier er jeg helt overbevist om.

Gi meg gjerne noen anbefalinger, eller kvoteringer jamfør Dagbladets liste av bøker man MÅ lese.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

E: Heavenly man encounter

Liu Zhenying aka brother Yun aka The Heavnly Man came to the church Filadelfia in Oslo on Saturday, september 29th. I was there, of course, to watch one of the most fascinating individuals alive. I was so fortunate to get my copy of his book signed and taken a picture with him the well known Chinese - who for long was of China's most wanted. The Norwegian/Swedish couple Evie & Pelle also sang and bore their testimonies.

Brother Yun was more animated and more charismatic than anticipated. However, if I did not know his story on forehand, all the things he has said, done and been through, I do not know if I had found the event as extraordinary as I did. One reason is probably the fact that I do not speak any mandarin, thus being in great need of hearing the message through his Swedish-speaking Finnish interpreter. Furthermore, Yun only gave a away a few details from his own life. Still, to me I am most happy with paying the visit.

I so recommend you to read his book.

Click here if you are unable to view the slideshow on top of some of the pics I took during the evening.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

E: De-ankled

After one week of volleyball absence, due to my one week up north, I was more than eager to get back at practice last night. After about 40 minutes I landed on an oncoming ball during spiking warm-up. Exactly how my ankle moved I do not really know, but that it touched the floor quickly and in a no-good fashion was obvious to me and anyone around me. I have had problems with my ankles in the past, but there has been years since I twisted any of them - as I have learned to “collapse” when my ankles have encountered real uneven surfaces.

But yesterday history caught up with me, as my scream proved. X-ray at the medical depot/central in the city fortunately did not show any fractures. I did, however, probably pull a few tendons beyond the already loose ligaments. The next couple of days I am using crutches, support bandage and need to keep my foot elevated above heart level. Furthermore I will need to wear an ankle support kit for a month to come.

I am mainly annoyed with losing out of the volleyball matches. I returned to late to play our opening match last weekend (which we lost 1-3), and was super eager to go play this weekend. Instead I will spend the weekend with the division 2 team I coach for their season opening. When I can actually go back to play volleyball myself, I do not know, but hope I can start in a couple of weeks.

I tried to avoid thinking about how things could have been different if only this or that, but it is not easy. I am fairly annoyed although there is noone to blame. Things could have been worse, and I will be all right again.

Monday, October 01, 2007

E: Mainly English language mysteries

I was just sent this row of humorous questions from my friend, Mabs. Many are about the English language, some are just general queries. A fun thing to share, as my own text creations needs more time than what today gave me.

1. If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented?
2. If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from Holland called Holes?
3. Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?
4. If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?
5. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
6. Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?
7. When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?
8. Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist but a person who drives a race car not called a racist?
9. Why are a wise man and a wise guy opposites?
10. Why do overlook and oversee mean opposite things?
11. Why isn't the number 11 pronounced tenty one?
12. If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, doesn't it
follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked, and dry cleaners depressed?
13. What hair colour do they put on the driver's licenses of bald men?
14. I thought about how mothers feed their babies with tiny little spoons and forks so I wondered what do Chinese mothers use? Toothpicks?
15. Why do they put pictures of criminals up in the Post Office? What are we supposed to do, write to them? Why don't they just put their pictures on the postage stamps so the mailmen can look for them while they deliver the mail?
16. Isn't making a smoking section in a restaurant like making a peeing section in a swimming pool?
17. If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhoea. Does that mean that one enjoys it?