Tuesday, July 31, 2007

X: Nuances for too much/for mye-nyanser

After recently changing name and introduction for my blog, it is time to prove my claim of a philosophical thought surplus.
First up are nuances of what ”too much” can be. This is my systematic analytical deduction of four types, compared through the variables amount, pace and variation. They all intertwine, but still have distinct feature.

A) Too much (of what good is)
This is a translation of the Norwegian way of saying ”This is (just) too much”. The phrase is applied in an ironic fashion, as the person does not normally mind, but still get a feeling of being troubled or spoilt.

The amount is bearable, the pace acceptable, but the variation of what occurs is too little.

The reaction does not necessarily reduce the activity level, but possibly flatten the experience of good – a sort of inflation takes place.

Spiritually speaking I do not believe there can be too much good, which is from God, rather wanting pursue it as much as possible. However, it can be challenging to see God’s grace and Jesus’ sacrifice in relation to one’s own life full of flaws.

B) Too much in which to take part
This form of excess means that one still deals with an ok amount and variation. But the speed in which things pass disables the opportunity to absorb and process the happenings well (enough).

This has been an essential point in my life the last few years. I have experienced a whole lot, but have struggled to be properly present, as I have not appropriately processed what I just left or keep thinking about what is up next.

C) Too much to do
This is the classical form of overload. The pace is all right and the variation is not the problem. But the amount of actions is simply overwhelming. This can result in sickness, being burned out or at least fatigued.

D) Too much impressions
This should be labeled “too many impressions”, but did not fit the too much-concept then. This form is a mixture of the past three, especially C and A. D is when there is too much on the psychological level, often caused by a stream of strong impressions or one or few hard hitting incidents. Generally these tend to be of negative character, in many ways form A redefined with bad instead of good.

An example is my trip to South Africa in April of 2004. The stay in the township slums was extremely rewarding, but at the end of the trip I felt as if my “container of impressions” had been filled to the rim. I still saw, registered and understood that it was important, but I was not able to retain capacity to receive new impressions with arms wide open, before I was allowed time (in a different (or homely) environment) to process what I had already seen.


Etter nylig endret hjemmesidenavn og introtekst, er det på tide å leve opp til påstanden om filosofisk, tankekvernende aktivitet. Min gode venninne Ingvill er en slik person hvis dialoger lett, med overlegg utforsker abstrakte tankerekker. Det var også tilfelle under hennes besøk i hovedstaden Søndag.

Et av samtaleevnene var hva for mye innebærer. Her er min systemanalytiske utledning av fire varianter, sammenlignet ved hjelp av mengde, tempo og variasjon. Alle overlapper, men har sine distinksjoner.

A) For mye av det gode
Dette uttrykket brukes ofte ironisk, da vedkommende som sier det sjelden har noe imot det som skjer, men kan oppleve en følelse av bryddhet eller å bli bortskjemthet (for eksempel ved en bursdags-/jubileumsfeiring).

For mye av det gode betyr at mengden inntrykk er håndterlig, tempoet ting skjer i er akseptabelt, men variasjonen i det som skjer blir for liten.

Reaksjonen behøver ikke å begrense aktivitetnivået, men muligens forflate opplevelsen av det gode – det går en inflasjon i det på et vis. Jeg har en teori om at opplevelsen av det gode og dårlige har et slags proporsjonalt forhold: Din djupeste nedtur gjør deg ”skikket” til en tilsvarende positiv opptur. For å føle bra, behøves dårlige erfaringer og motsatt. En som har hatt det supert vil føle det mer ille om livet blir særs kjipt enn en med et ”normalt” (mer middels følelsesmessig) liv – selv om det objektiv sett har en like dårlig tilværelse.

I åndelig forstand har jeg to tanker å tilføye. I utgangspunktet kan man ikke få for mye av det god, som er fra Gud, men man har heller et ønske om å oppsøke så mye av det som mulig. Samtidig kan det være belastende å se Guds godhet og Jesu offer i forhold til feilbarheten i ens eget liv.

B) For mye å være til stede i
Denne formen for overlast betyr at man har fortsatt har en grei mengde, variasjonen i det som skjer er bra, men tempoet ting skjer i gjør at man ikke klarer å absorbere og prosessere hendelsene godt nok.

Det er en illustrerende historie om et kamelførere i en ørken i Afrika. Etter en lang mars stopper førerne momentant og setter seg ned. Folket oppå kamelene spør om de er tørste, sultne eller slitne, men får ”nei” til svar. Hvorfor stopper de da? ”Vi venter på sjela” er svaret fra kamelførerne.

Dette har vært et essensielt punkt i mitt liv de siste årene. Jeg har fått med meg mye, men hatt problemer med virkelig å være til stede, da jeg ofte enten ikke har prosessert det jeg kom fra, eller tenker på det som kommer.

C) For mye å gjøre
Dette er den mer ”klassiske” formen for overbelastning. Tempoet man opplever ting i er ok, og variasjonen i hverdagen plager ikke. Men mengden gjøremål blir rett og slett for meget. Dette kan resulterer i sykdom, utbrenthet og i alle fall utmattethet.

D) For mye inntrykk
Dette burde hett ”for mange inntrykk”, men brøt da med for mye-konseptet. Formen er en blanding av de foregående, særlig C og A. Dette er når overbelastningen skjer på det mentale plan, ofte forårsaket av en jevn strøm av sterke inntrykk, eller en hardt belastende opplevelse. Generelt er dette av negativ karakter, og blir på en måte en omskriving av A, med for mye av det dårlige/onde.

Et eksempel her er mitt besøk i Sør-Afrika i april måned 2004. Oppholdene i slummen var enormt givende, men i slutten av perioden var det som min ”inntrykkstank” var fylt til randen. Jeg så og registrerte, og skjønte ting var viktig, men jeg hadde ikke så mye kapasitet igjen til å ta inn nye inntrykk med åpne armer uten tid til å prosessere de jeg allerede hadde fått i nye (hjemlige) omgivelser.

Gunnar Staalesen digger Bergen

Ikke de største overraskelsene i sommerintervjuet med forfatteren for DinSide Reise, men interessant var det.

Her er annet publisert her.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

X: Golden entertainment / Gul verdt

July 27th was the official world premiere for Simpsons the movie. After the yellow sitcom TV series has ran for 400 episodes, 18 seasons and 20 years, there were great expectations to the cartoon/animated movie theatre debute – after years and years in the making. Personally I have seen nearly all episodes, the first 325 or so within one semster back in 2004 (making me label myself serial time-killer).

Wednesday I was able to attend the press viewing at Norway’s largest movie theatre (which supposedly has the biggest cinema screen in the world, they one wrote on their web pages) with a bunch of other journalists from the city. My two page review became front page materiale in Thursday’s edition of Vårt Land (where I am editioral desk layout / editing dude this summer). The journalistic exception was due to lack of writing staff in the culture department and my own voluntarism due to great self-interest.

And what did I think? My review synopsis claims that Simpons is best on TV, but made a strong first impression in the movie. I do absolutely recommend anyone to go see it, as this is a fun, worked-through (the script has been rewritten about 100 times), humurous and satiric action-comedy. The Simpsons is not known for a strong plot, and this became evident for a full 87 minutes presentation. But the parodies, characters, quotes and underlying issues the producers wish to address, weigh up for it.

The experience of typing up 5000-6000 characters within three hours after the screening is new. I have not had a movie review published in a newspaper before, as far as I recall. And a review is very different to writing a general news story, which can be cut or added to in the end pretty much as one pleases. But I mad it through and am fairly happy about the result.


Fredag 27. juli hadde Simpsons-filmen verdenspremiere på kino. 25. juli var jeg Vårt Lands pressevisning i storsalen på Collosseum. Etter å ha sett nærmest alle de 400 episodene, brorparten i løpet av høstsemesteret i 2004, hadde jeg store forventninger til verket.

Under tittelen ”Gul verdt” skrev jeg mye bra, mange inntrykk og konkluderte med en sterk kinodebut fra den gule, ikke-fungerende amerikanske kjernefamilien. Konseptet Simpsons ser jeg på mest som et kåseri hva innhold angår. Derfor ble det, i mine øyne, litt daft da plottet viste seg å være en nokså opplagt action-komedie – selv om de faktiske stuntene og utfallene er langt fra trivielle. Regulær tegning av figurene, med ilagt digitaliserte skygger og bakgrunnseffekter, løftet synsopplevelsen.

Min anmeldelse vil være tilgjengelig på web om kort tid.

Opplevelsen av å trykke ut en tekst på 5000-6000 tegn i løpet av tre timer var en presset opplevelse. Jeg tror ikke jeg har hatt en kinofilmanmeldelse på trykk noen gang, og det er noe ganske annet enn å trykke ut en nyhetssak – som kan kuttes eller forlenges på slutten alt etter som. Dette kjente jeg litt på i fingrene når jeg tastaturerte om filmen som gir førstesideoppslag selv i Vårt Land. Men alt i alt er jeg fornøyd med resultatet, tid og erfaring tatt i betrakning.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

E: Being free

Certain words are known by all, but really tough to explain properly if put to the test. Love is one of them. Freedom another. We all want to be free. ’Cause what does it mean to be free? Really? I will share some immediate thoughts without spending to much time analyzing my own opinions – for now anyway.

The obvious thought goes to peace and prison releases. To be freed or free oneself is the greatest wish for anyone feeling trapped or at war.

But generally when I think of freedom, I think more in terms of inividual experiences, based on my Western perspective where liberty is seen as a premise.

A common challenge in the Western world is time. Time is precious. Time is money. Thus, free time is a valuable good. But having all the time in the world does not necessarily bring joy or freedom, if there is nothing with which to fill your time. Can you feel free witout doing something you find meaningful – whatever that may be?

The dictionary leads us in the line of ” the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action” and ”the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken”. In other words: Lack of restrictions.

“To do whatever one pleases” would be a common respons, I suspect. But is it freedom to have no guidelines what so ever? Is anarchy the ultimate freedom?

The Danish philospoher Søren Kirkegaard has described unlimited choices as likely to lead to anxiety. Too much to consider, can stroke like a straight-jacket.

In my church on Sunday, the sermon concerned living in the Spirit. The preacher said it lead to being free, which again was defined as being as close to yourself as possible. I really liked this way of looking at it. The choices to be made, opportunities to pursue and ways to act do, in my mind, feel the very best when they appear natural and right to what one is and wants to be. But who are we and who are we supposed to be?

Being Christian I know my purpose in life, the meaning of it, where I come from and where I am going. This gives me great comfort and calm, and makes the attitude towards life at ease.
The Biblical truth is to set us free (Joh 8:32), and free us from sin (2 Cor 3:17). This process is best described with imagary from the initial thought. To have chains and bars removed for the mind, soul, thoughts and person to act according to for what one has been created.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Trondheim mer enn RBK

Mener i alle fall lagkaptein Roar Strand.

Her er lenken til det korte sommerintervjuet av RBK-profilen jeg utførte for DinSide Reise.

De andre DinSide-sakene her.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

E: The world is ticking

Sometimes counting numbers says more than speeches and, in some rare coincidences, even pictures. Have a look at the Poodwaddle world clock to get an idea of the development of this globe.

Additionally the page provides an ability to generate your own, much useful startpage. I am thinking about getting into it.

X: Editing life right/Desk & dus

Life is as should be. Although I work every weekday, the time off has been the freest I have felt in many years. This spring has been a congested experience through finishing studies, planning and participating strongly in two weddings, work, move, go home north, arrange future job and activities and so on.

Thus, arriving back in Oslo last Tuesday not having planned more than going to work the following day, became something of a transition. So many chapters were closed that I actually encountered a tad of restlnessness last weekend. I now have time to read – exactly what I want to read – excercise, fix my new room, meet people - even for decent bulks of time ++. Most of all, I enjoy the feeling of being done when leaving work. It is a true blessing. I am finally beginning to see that there is a difference between relaxation and recreation, between reconnecting and disconnecting for a bit. I am working towards a bit of the latter options.

Summer work at the editor’s desk is most rewarding. To edit and ”breed” texts and ”drawing” it for the the newspaper pages thereafter is both easier, but more time consuming than expected. I did not know the program (InDesign) on forehand, but have picked up fairly quickly, although I still have heaps to learn. Even though one does not write the story oneself (the journalists do), you still feel part of the story. There is a lot of influence in news presentation – or design if you like.


Livet er slik det skal være. Aktivitet. Spontanitet. Planløshet. Velvære. Selv om jeg jobber alle hverdager, og innimellom søndager, er har tiden utenom kjentes som noe av det frieste jeg har opplevd på en årrekke. Fra å ha opplevd et menneskelig rotterace de siste månedene med avsluttende mastergrad, to omfattende bryllup, trening, jobb, flytting, hjemfart, framtidsavklaring med mer, kom jeg til Oslo forrige onsdag kun med vissheten om sommerjobben. Så mange andre kapitler var avsluttet, at jeg opplevde snev av rastløshet forrige helg – som er alt annet enn dagligdags. Jeg har tid til å treffe folk, og gjerne lenge av gangen, lese, trene, fikse litt på nyrommet med mer. Men best av alt er denne følelsen av å være ferdig når man går fra jobb. Jeg er i ferd med å lære at det er en forskjell mellom rekreasjon og det å slappe av, mellom det å koble om og koble ut.

Sommerjobbstarten i Vårt Land har også vært en glede. Arbeidsdagene er hektisk, men tida flyr også avsted når man trives. Det å være på desk, altså redigere tekst og ”tegne” dem ut til avisa, var noe lettere, men også mer tidkrevende enn jeg hadde trodd. Programvaren i InDesign har jeg ikke brukt før. Den har jeg mestret bra føler jeg, selv om det ennå er mange triks jeg ikke kjenner til. Jeg synes rollen som den som ser over, foredler og visuelt presenterer teksten er morsom og spennende. Jeg liker godt desk-møtene, coahcingen (at man ser på hverandres saker og gir og får tilbakemeldinger). Selv om man ikke skriver saken selv, får man helt klart en form for eierforhold til det man designer. Desken har mye makt, men samtidig også mange muligheter til å lære og inspirere, lære bort og bli inspirert.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Kjell Magne Bondevik liker Molde

Ingen overraskelse, kanskje, men selv ble jeg nokså forfjamset da Bondevik ringte meg på mobilen en dag rundt intervjutida. Dette var riktignok etter at jeg hadde henvendt meg til Oslos fredsenter, men da bare til en sekretær som skulle videreformidle forespørselen. Bondevik svarte personlig.

Intervjuet bunnet ut i sommer-artikkelen som ble publisert på DinSide.no i går.

Resten av mine DinSide-publikasjoner, finner du her.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

X: My new home / Adresse Adamstuen

The day prior to my north of Norway stay (June 28 – July 10), I packed my stuff from my room in the Christian student college (suburb Blindern), and moved into a rented apartment in the suburb of Adamstuen, 2.2 kilometers away. The change of location is due to my lack of student status.

Already on the first night, I gained a notion that this place will be tough to leave (when it happens). First of all the ”Adamstuen family” is a great team. My housemates, Bård and Asbjørn, are two cool Christian guys. Secondly, the practical arrangements are good; we have enough room and a fair rent in a fully furnished 3-bedrom apartment, including a tennis court for the residential complex. Thirdly, the location is much suitable in terms of my summer job, full time job from the fall and the training facilities I use for volleyball and working out.

The idea of buying an apartment is not forgotten, but the needs to be very apt for me to invest.

Pictures below.

Anton Schjøths gate 10A

Dagen før mitt nordnorge-opphold (28. juni – 10. juli) vasket jeg ut av rommet i Duehaugveien (Lagskollektivet) og flyttet inn i Anton Schjøths gate 10 A på Adamstuen, ikke mange minuttene unna (se kjørerute). En stor takk til søskenbarn Andreas og x-medboer Hans Berger for uvurderlig assistanse. Bevegelsen skjer ettersom jeg ikke lenger skal studere fra høsten av, og dermed ikke kan bo i kollektivet lenger.

Allerede første kvelden fikk jeg følelsen av at det skal bli vanskelig å flytte herfra (når det nå en gang skjer). For det første er mine nye trønderske medboere flotte karer. Bård Løkken Knapstad og Aasbjørn Aas er to kristne gutter med glimt i øyet og gnist i toppen. For det andre er den praktiske anordningen god. Vi har god plass, egen tennisbane til borettslaget, husleien er rimelig og boet er fult møblert. For det tredje er lokasjonen er svært passende med tanke på sommerjobb i Vårt Land i sentrum, jobb til høsten på Bislett og fortsatt trening på Blindern fra høsten av. I praksis midt i Oslo.

Leilighetskjøp er ikke helt skrinlagt, men stedet må være nokså fortreffelig for at jeg skal bevege meg ut av min nye tryggehetssone.

Et par kjappe bilder fra oppstarten finnes ovenfor.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

E: Divine drip 10

There are so many wise individuals out there with so many good thoughts to offer. Purposedrivenlife.com have many, and I share some of the glimpses making me think the most when reading them. Today I will give some thoughts on and quotes from two devotionals which did not wind up in the archives.

”I thirst”
Love is tough. But thinking tough love excludes being vulnerable is wrong. You have to give up something to love. Jesus died to love us, not to make good theology, the message states. Here are some pharagrahps from the devotional.

Jesus Christ didn’t die for us because it made for good theology, He died for us because He loved us, lost us to sin, and gave Himself up to buy us back. By doing this He had to become vulnerable to the very system He created, that we might see how true love behaves. There is a death in love, and that death is the death of self. Jesus died to love us; we die as well in order to love and serve others. And part of that is in being vulnerable.

Sometimes the best thing we can do for someone is ask for help. Jesus asked the woman for a drink and three years later, he was asking for the same thing from the cross—symbolic of the vulnerability He placed Himself into for the whole human race. Being vulnerable to those you love is a big part of love itself.

”The Big, Bad Dinosaur”
The title is from a longer story from the life of the writer, John Fischer, used to enter the topic of authority. Anger and bulling people around does not gain authority, rather weakens respect. Respect cannot be forced. Such a method will backfire.

A core verse is Proverbs 15:1: ”A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger”.

I hereby quote the most essential pharagraph:

Is that what authority is -- a raging bull (or in this case… dinosaur)? Well I am beginning to realize it isn't. Authority has a lot more to do with being responsible than it does with being angry or demanding respect. Authority is not something you bull your way into; it's something you earn. And when you have it, you don't have to demand it. Jesus had it -- had the ultimate authority of God Himself -- and He never lorded over anyone. In fact, He used His authority to serve. He needed nothing, so He could give everything He had.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

E: Missing links 4 – geography

It has been a while without URL supplements. Thus, new missing links are about.

This fourth issue have resources in regards to geography, maps and additional global knowledge:

* International calling codes and internet codes are always handy.
* CIA world factbook. A very precise, updated and free online encyclopedia on the countries of the world. Countries of the world ain’t bad either.
* On Theodora’s page you can also find an extensive selection of various flags and maps from the entire world, be it in regards to climate, weather, population, language and so on.
* The countries and their capitals can be found here (”only” 194 according to this definition)
* online ruler. With this tool I could measure that there is 15992 kilometers between Oslo and Melbourne.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

X: My sister's married! / Innringet søster

My sister is hereby married. She promised to love and honor Kim for the rest of her life. Even though I have been in many a wedding, the ceremony and program are seemingly every renewable in terms of joy, emotions, reflections and blessings.

The (midnight) sun shone upon the joined families and friends all through the happening, with its food, fun, speeches, entertainment etc. Extraordinary it was, with purple as theme, marriage as focus, and a lovely couple in the limelight.

I am very aware that I am the last one in my family not married. But fortunately I do not experience any (direct) pressure (yet) :)

Click the image below for a few selected pictures.

Ingvild & Kim wedding 070707

Min søster er gift. Hun har lovet å elske og ære sin Kim resten av livet. Kim, nå med etternavn Storvoll, er en solid herremann, som sammen med sin brud tok seg veldig godt ut i dag. Selv om jeg har vært i kirken i bryllup mange ganger før, kjenner presten og de fremme ved alteret godt, har vigselliturgien en tilsynelatende evig fornyende giv for glede, ettertanke, følelser og velsignelse.

Programmets rammer overhttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifrasket få; vigsel, kirkekaffe, ventetid mens bildene ble tatt, middag, dessert, pause, kaffe og kaker, taler, leker, underholdning, bukett-bak-ryggen kasting og champagne med videre. Med sol døgnet rundt, fortreffelig mat, og to gode familier med dets venner gjorde feiringen celest.

Min bror og jeg hadde komponert ”Ingvild-revyen” med en rekke innslag. Clouet var at all lyd var tatt opp på forhånd, og det ble en 19 minutter lang demonstrasjon i mimekunst. Ordfører, tidligere rådmann, en del inviterte gjester som ikke kunne komme, samt diverse opptak av Ingvild og lydkutt fra nett var smurt sammen med vår egne kommentarer og utspill. Opplegget tok mye forberedelse, men slo bra an.

Jeg er veldig klar over at jeg er den eneste ugifte i min familie, men slipper heldigvis noe direkte press fra familie eller venner – foreløpig :)

19 av bildene jeg tok er tilgjengelige ved å trykke på brudeportrettet lenger opp.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Deal or no deal i sommer-Tønsberg

Sturla Berg-Johansen har mye godt å si om sin hjemby Tønsberg. Jeg intervjuet han og skrev saken, som ble publisert på DinSide.no i dag.

Her er de andre DinSide-skriveriene, inkludert sommerglimt fra Oslo og Kristiansand.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

E: Media thesis in the media

Friday June 22nd was when my analysis of the media became analyzed by the media. After an interview in Vårt Land, my thesis became first page material in their Friday issue (online version here), with a follow-up (also referred to at the front page) Saturday. The way I found out was by NRK P2, one of the main radio channels from the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, waking me up by a phone call in the morning to ask if I could do an interview with them that day. The result was on the air at their 3:03 pm (15:03) culture news report the same day (search on the net radio for ”kulturnytt” and pick the broadcast ”22.06 15:03-15:30” to hear the result). The story was also referred to in other news media (like Nettavisen) over the weekend.

In the aftermath many people of contacted me, my friends mainly to congratulate me about the coverage, but some to read it as well. The strangers calling or e-mailing me do it to get a copy. My one year effort will soon be found in the national library databse, Bibsys, with hard copies at the uni library of Oslo, and with an online version at the DUO database (digital publications from the university). For now you can get a PDF version from me, if interested.

I do not care much about the publicity for my own self, but truly enjoy that I have generated a bit of debate and reader interest regarding the newspaper coverage of Christianity and Islam. That was the aim of my project, in addition to revealing something knew and contribute to hand-on information about how the situation truly is. I found it most interesting to read about what the various chief editors and leader of the Norwegian press association (Norsk presseforbund) had to say.

When thinking back, I probably should have written the thing in English in the first place. I have been promted by some friends to translate the thesis, and I am fairly sure it would have been of interest to the media, religion and culture field of research, not having found similar quantiative research in my searches in national and international databases. When I get the time and energy, I will think about it :)

Monday, July 02, 2007

Alejandro Fuentes om Kristiansand

Denne ukas "Min Sommerby" er sørlandets sentrum. Her er Idol-Alis tips, behandlet av undertegnede.

Forrige uke snakket jeg med Tove Nilsen. Se skriveriene mine for DinSide.no her.

X: New job/ny jobb Agenda 3:16

Thursday I was offered a job in the Norwegian mission organization Normisjon, whose aim is to reach the unreached and make people disciples. Friday I notified the montlhy magazine Agenda 3:16 that I accepted the position as a journalist.

My choice is based on the influence and rich selection of tasks. In a staff of two journalist and one editor, I will have a great say in all aspects, from content, layout, photography, profile, strategy and topics. Additionally I will work with development of the organization’s webpage. Besides, the Christian vision is close to my own. The position also involves domestic and foreign travel. With projects in 10 countries in Asia, Africa and America – chances of unique experiences are great.

The framework is safe, the colleagues most pleasant and the location very suitable. Having the formal settings in place is comforting. I commence in the last week of August. I am excited.


Etter søknadsprosess og intervju med flere, fikk jeg torsdag vite at jeg var ønsket av Normisjon. Fredag fikk medlemsbladet Agenda 3:16 vite at jeg har takket ja til stillingen som journalist.

Misjonsorganisasjonen har naturlig nok ikke de beste økonomiske betingelsene, men hauger av muligheter. Den solide innflytelsen og de varierte arbeidsoppgavene var styrende for mitt valg. I en redaksjon med to journalister og en redaktør får mange ord med i laget for innhold, layout, foto, profil, strategi og tema. Jeg vil også jobbe med innhold og utvikling av normisjon.no. Bladets agenda ligner min egen kristne agenda, selv om jeg selvsagt vil jobbe for et godt, rederlig journalistisk produkt. Stillingen innebærer også en del reiser i inn- og utland, som ikke er meg i mot. Med virksomheter i 10 land i Asia, Afrika og Amerika gir det unike opplevelsesmuligheter.

Rammene er trygge, folkene trivelige og lokasjonen topp. Å ha høsten i boks, er en behagelig tanke. Jeg gleder meg til å tiltre siste uka i august.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

E: Jaquelined in Oslo

June 18th to the 21st was marked of the visit of my former Melbourne housemate Jaqueline Thaia aka Jackie. Although I was swamped with work, appointments, interviews etc, we managed to spend to quality and fun time during the days and nights.

Here are some visually documented memories of my good friend full of life, creativity, fun, intelligens and integrity.

Jackie in Oslo June 07