Turning 25 is a mathematical start of a new epoch. Birthdays are times to contemplate on life and past experiences. As finishing my thesis occupies most of my time, I do not have too much sit-down-and-think-things-over time, nor do I have time to write it. I would like though, to list 25 points of insight, mottos and valuable guidelines I have gained through my relatively short lifetime. I like lists. The order and content is fairly random and only contains what comes to mind after sitting down writing this entry. There are many other, possibly more important, things I have learned, but cannot recall right now. Likewise, there are also more specific, everyday realizations from which readers may benefit more. But these must be stored for another occasion.
1. I am a grown-up. Someone asked if I had become an adult yet. My reply was the following (translated into Enligsh). To physically grow, happens automatically. Aging to the legal age is simple chronology. To grow up is independent of birthdays. My definition is that you leave youth when you have the ability to be responsible and childlike (unlike childish) – which I think I am.
2. Anything can be interesting, if you put your mind to it. Leonardo da Vinci is the source of inspiration for my creativity.
3.Training gives energy. Exercise requires input, but puts your capacity above your starting point, after restitution. This has made me persist with training throughout my life. By the way: You can never do too much precautionary training. Being injured sucks.
4. The apple does not fall far from the tree, the saying goes. This is used to explain the parent-child relationship where the offspring generally has heaps of similarities to its “producer”. I am much like my parents, and am happy to be so.
5. To find the love of one’s life, (sadly) requires more than to find, love and wish to be with the right girl. Intellect and will cannot overpower inner convictions and drives. But there is no absolutes here, never say never etc. Nobody’s perfect, but there are more than one out there who can be perfect for you.
6. Love is ultimately a decision to step out of yourself and put someone else first.
7. Life will never run out of new impressions.
8. Education provides competence in humility – to understand better all the things one does not know.
9. Boost your mood with gratitude (Takk deg glad). This was my high school senior motto, which implies that there are so many things to be thankful for, which should be sufficient to appreciate existence.
10. To read is more work than reading, but is also more stimuating.
11. Humans are social beings with need of family and friends to function well. It is better with few close friends than heaps of acquainted ones. One can live a complete life without completing everything.
12. Choose your battles.
13. I constantly change and am never exactly who I was. Although I constantly change, there is still a set of features, physical, psychological and spiritual which make me unique and recognizable.
14. Traveling is never a waste of money or time, and always a valuable experience, even though you had a rough time.
15. Do not speak when words are not enough to express what you want to say.
16. One picture can be equivalent to a thousand words, but also a life long source for inspiration, thoughts and memories.
17. World is what you want it to be. My high school motto in Las Vegas (during my exchange student year in the USA 2000-2001).
18. To care about someone is not equal to always be kind.
19. One will never see the full range of one’s potential. Certain things about yourself you will only learn when faced with the right (but not necessarily good) difficulties, challenges, opportunities, questions, people or situations.
20. Friendships is a matter of revealing a connection, rather than creating it. Read about my theory here.
21. Meanings of life A: To be saved and share the gospel with as many others as possible.
22. Meanings of life B: To build a family and take care of it.
23. Meanings of life C: Not to be well known and have other see you living, but be seen as someone living for others by those who know you well.
24. Future: I do not know with what the future will be filled, but know what I want to fill me in the future. Jesus:
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philipians 1:21)
25. Truth: Christianity has the answer. The Bible is God’s word describing how he made the Earth and created us out of love. Why else would anyone let one’s only son be crucified?
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (Joh 3:16).