Sunday, February 25, 2007

X: H&M married/gift

My cousin Margrethe promised Saturday to stick to her Henrik for the rest of their life. The joyous event was witnessed in Dyrøy church, while the following party occurred at the modern community hall in my home town of Brøstadbotn. With more than 60 satisfied guests, it all turned into a memorable day and night with the newly wedded Borgen unit.

I was responsible for documenting the wedding, and present proof here.


Lørdag lovet mitt søskenbarn Margrethe livslangt troskap til sin Henrik. Gledesstunden ble forevighet i Dyrøy kirke, mens den påfølgende festen fant sted i Nordavindshagen, det moderne samfunnshuset, i Brøstadbotn. Med over 60 tilfredse gjester samlet, ble det en mimreverdig dag og kveld for den nygifte enheten Borgen.

Undertegnede tok bilder og deler et fåtall av dem her.

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