Friday, March 09, 2007

E: Samples of future clarity

After a long haul of uncertainty, career opportunities are gradually passing by. I have pretty much settled on pursuing a full time job for now. That is, if I get any of the ones I wind up applying for.

So far there are currently two I have handed in an application for, in addition to the summer job options in Dagbladet, Aftenposten and Dagsavisen. The first is s half year contract as feature journalist for the national paper first and foremost for rural areas; Nationen. The second, and far more appealing, is a shot at a position to be a two-year management trainee (description in Norwegian here) for one of the largest media corporation in Europe, the Norwegian Schibsted. Chances of getting one of the openings are like 1 to 100 though. But I do not have anything to loose by applying.

Other upcoming opportunities is as web editor and communication counselor at the vet institute of Norway (ad in Norwegian) and travel journalist options in the magazine Zine travel (Ad in Norwegian).

I do not know if any of the abovementioned opportunities are anywhere close to what I will be doing in about half a year, as many of these jobs commence before I am properly done with my degree + weddings for my sister (July 7) and best man (June 24), but I do like seeing that alternatives are crystallizing gradually as time goes by. I guess they have always been there, but do not really surface in my consciousness before it time to start looking – which is now.

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