* Home

* God
The Lord is awesome. It is much meaningful living life knowing where I am from and why. I currently read the One-year-bible. It simply means reading the whole lot within a year, with daily pieces from the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms and Provebs. The good thing is that the chuncks are made for you up front and the verse division is removed for a better reading experience. This way of studying the Bible gives me many new thoughts and ideas.
* Work
It looks like I will resign from my journalism job in Agenda 3:16 this summer. The reason will be posted in a later entry. If so, I need alternatives. Going into consulatation work, teambuilding, coaching, mentoring and/or motivating features is of great interest. I have been in touch with people in Heitmann Plus and Innsikt1 about how to and why. Bot of these examples (whose webpages are in Norwegian only) could potentionally be a way into job opportunities in the long run.
Today I visited an alternative industry. Videomaker is a documentary production company located a few minutes from current home. The leader (Kjell Eriksen) and the director (Håvard Jenssen) had a chat with me about who I am, what I wanna do and what opportunities they could possibly deliver in the future as reasearcher, editor or manuscript author. Everything is project-based. There could be potential openings next week or next year, as long – of course – as I qualify.
* Sports
I have started playing a bit of soccer again, though strictly on hobby/unorganized basis. But still competitive enough. I have also began doing a bit more running lately, much thanks to my new iPod. This I use to listening to music, but also various sermons – so far primarily from Messiaskirken.
The volleyball season is over, but we still practice. Today I played beach volleyball for the first time this year with a few lads from my team at Torshov.
* Birthday
I am 26 and one day old. I did not throw together a birthday party, had people over to play games Saturday night. Still, my 366th day as 25 was a overwhelming reminder of being remembered, noticed and cared for. I received more than 80 birthday wishes given through Facebook, e-mail, MSN, SMS, MMS, phonecalls, gifts and naturally a few in person. Thanks to all of you!
* Friends and family
My sister, a cousin and an exchange student brother from Euguene – Dennis – came to Oslo from Tromsø this weekend. On Friday we gathered, including my brother and sister-in-law + another Oslo-bond cousin, for a taco dinner together. Saturday most people came over to my house for playing board games. Dennis was in Oslo on his way back to the States, after his third stay the country – this time from February.

* Flea market spree
Sunday I visited no less than four flea markets in Oslo (Ullevål, Marienlyst, Majorstua and Bolteløkka). I find visiting these markets most fascinating, even though I do not necessarily find anything of interest. Here are some thoughtss.
- this are markeds with complete devaluationand re-evaluation of items. Treasure or garbage depends on who you ask.
- the markets are multiethnic cultural meeting points where bargain techniques, que-mentaility and communication qualities from different countries and languages surface. The share of foreigners are also higher than the population at large.
- this is one of the very few places which attracts buyers who do not know what they are going to get, find or buy.
- the profit is for a good cause (generally volunteer sports or cultural interest organizations) and the prices are way low. Still there are reports of a great deal of theft.