I will once again be a best man. July 12th my very good friend Sathees is to marry his lovely Judina. And I am prompted and have accepted the major honor of making sure they say yes. The joyous event will take place in Bergen. Sathees is from Sri Lanka, but has been in Norway since he was 16, if I remember correctly. I got to know him in high school.

In Dehli, India, not too far northwest of Sri Lanka, there will be another wedding of interest at the end of October or at the beginning of November. My great friend Aditi is tying the knot with her much honorable Parth. I am invited and will not mind going if time, money and opportunity allows. Congratulations anyway. I met Aditi in
Australia, but have visited them in India and they me in Oslo.
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Nordnorsk ord som kanskje trenger oversettelse: "ikkje skor sjetthuset".
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