Sunday, February 17, 2008

E: Online clips 26

Need a break? Sunday is a day for resting and worship. I hereby post a few recreational glimpses picked from

I am a volleyball player, but not so much a fan of watching it. But seeing people like Leonel Marshall in action will amaze anyone – regardless of sporting preference.
Speaking of volleyball, this compilation also have some neat moments.

But humans can impress with other moves as well. "Human jump rope" and a very efficient wheelbarrow swap are two examples. Not so impressive, but fairly humorous, is this guy tripping while attempting to jump higher than he can.
Speed skating is still not as popular as regular ice skating. But it is hard to forget the final lap of the 2002 olympic final.

Finally, an incredible story of a blind teenager’s way of overcoming his lack of sight (i.e. apparently NOT a handicap).

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