Sunday, January 13, 2008

E: Game on(line)!

Every now and again I am presented to interesting and/or odd types of games or competitions online. I will now give you one way to be challenged, one to laugh a bit during your passtime and one to waste your time for the fun of it.

1) Traveler IQ. How well do you know places and sites around the globe? Try this quick thinking game.

2) The Missionary game. Are you thinking about becoming a missionary at some stage or just wondering what it is like? None of the questions are answered through the missionary game, but it is a lovely parody of the historic missionary perception. I am considering going at some stage, but not like this “simulator” shows you :)

3) Ninjagolf just sounded too weird to not to check out. Have funning hitting balls and fighting enemies :)

I hardly spend any time at all, what so ever, playing computer games or alike. But I can find it amusing trying things out, and as a consequence provide you reader with a recreational entry to my theoretical outbursts. Let the games begin.

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