Wednesday, June 06, 2007

E: Exam completion, study farewell

The last days of intense preparations paid off. The exam lecture went well, and the mArking wAs greAt. I spoke a little more than half an hour on Christian news coverage in Christian newspapers in Norway.

I was most happy to find five of my fellow student housing college showing up to listen to the lecture, which had about a dusin listeners in total.

Most pleasing was being done. All done! Hooray! Afterward the lecture I could clean my study desk, return all my books and walk out knowing that I may have completed my final bit of academic study – at least for this year. This does not include defending my thesis on June 26th.

I feel great relief being done, and will hopefully finally be able to relax a bit more and enjoy the summery Oslo. Right now I am mainly exhausted and ready for a proper sleep.

Here are some of the things that will take place in the weeks to come, all but one free from studying.
- Tomorrow: work + uni institute summer party
- Next week: work training for summer job (newspaper, Vårt Land)
- June 18-21: Visit from my aussie housemate Jackie
- June 24: my best friend’s wedding
- June 26: defending my thesis, completing my master thesis
- June 28-July 11: Going home to Brøstadbotn (where I am from in the North)
- July 7: My sister’s wedding
- July 11 – middle of August: summer job (Vårt Land)
- meeting people, playing beach volleyball, applying for full time job, possibly buying an apartment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vel blåst. Nå må du lande litt, kjenne at livet består av noe annet enn bare bøker, pugg, oppgaver, skole og jobb. Vi gleder oss med deg:)
Klem far mamma og pappa