Saturday, June 30, 2007

E: My best friend’s wedding

On Sunday June 24th 2007 there is no other place in the world I would rather have been, than next to Thor Oskar Relander (formerly known as Thor Oskar Tømte) as his best man. Although this assignment was appointed me many years ago, the experience and emotions were new, real and great. The weather and location (Karlsvik gård) were splendid.

The actual program was not out of the ordinary in conent, albeit very special for myself and the visitors knowing the beautiful couple. Wedding at 2 pm. Then long photo session with photographer for the wedded, best man and bride’s maid. Dinner, speeches, dessert, chatting, entertainment and fellowship started at around 5 pm, and did not really finish till I drove the wedded to their hotel at 2 am.

See the wedding’s website:

A few general points of feedback for weddings – if one do NOT know the people and histories from before:
* speeches should last no longer than 15 minutes, and all people should practice on forehand.
* composed songs should not be too long, and their points should not be repeated in speeches.
* the actual wedding should begin fairly early to be able to fill in all the meals, speeches, games etc.

A couple of things I have learned during the wedding weekend:
* I am good at keeping secrects – but apparently not when it comes to clothing. I semi gave away two clues I should not have regarding my own smoking and wedding tails (kjole og hvitt).
* I have never tried wearing rings, smoking nor a bow tie. And I found everything way cooler than I expected.

And now to what says most: a picture selection.

My best friend's wedding

In the same go, I would like to add some pics from the bachelor party, which took place the previous Saturday. I had seven of his male friends come join the fun.

The program in short:
* the capture: Thor Oskar came to the train station of Tønsberg thinking he was going to Oslo with the train. A couple of minutes before the train comes, a stranger (to him) asks him to come help ”fetch some stuff from my car”. Around a corner, many of us attacked him from behind, wearing paintball masks (to be used later during the day), putting a hood on Thor Oskar (aka Totto) and throwing him in a car.
* the interrogation: the “marriage police” suspected Totto of marrying out of desire. Thus we needed to question him about his knowledge about his wife-to-be.
* paintball: paint from air guns. Lots of fun.
* lunch
* quest in grocery store: get bread and milk. Restrictions: he could not take anything from the shelves, nor ask anyone. Results: picking it from other people’s basket.
* camping. Solåsen is a Christian campsite where Totto went camping a few times in his childhood. This was carefully chosen as our place to spend the night. Before sleeping time, we had a barbeque and camp fire, including eating, drinking, and testing Totto some more. Before going home the next morning, we had a few household chores for Totto; ironing a shirt, putting up curtains, tying a tie and changing nappies.

Let the pictures speak.

Thor Oskar utdrikningslag

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