I played libero as usual, and apparantely will keep doing so at least until after the quarter final next Sunday. I do not mind the position, and defintetly that I get to play on this good team (we are leading our division group), but look forward to a chance at actually do some net blocking and striking.
Attached is one of the mustache photos from those who deared to play the Saturday that way against the ”mustache city” team Gløshaugen.
A thanks to Thor Oskar, Kristin, Torstein and Igor for making my Trondheim visit so memorable – in addition to the volleyball guys of course.
I write triple victory because the soccer team Tromsø managed to remain in the Norwegian elite league in today’s final round of the season.
Stilig!Så mye bra på en gang!! Jeg er i Oslo søndag - og skal virkelig vurdere om det er mulig å få med kampen søndag. Alt av forhandlinger på generalforsamling til Laget er over, så jeg håper det er mulig:)
Vi sees igjen!! Skal eg ta mæ tainnbørsten????
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