Lær meg selv litt bedre å kjenne gjennom mine svar til en e-post på rundgang. Etterpå kan du fylle ut/tenke hvor du selv ville sette kryssene.
Get to know me a little better, based on my answers from a chain e-mail. Afterwards/during you can fill in the x-es yourself.
Jeg har/I have:
( ) røyka/smoked
( ) vært full/been drunk
(x) vært forelska/been in love
(x) blitt dumpa/been dumped
( ) dumpa noen/dumped someone
( ) fått sparken/been fired
( ) rømt hjemmefra/fleed from home
(x) hatt følelser for noen som ikke har visst det/had feelings for someone who did not know
( ) blitt arrestert/been arrested
( ) klina med en ukjent/made out with a stranger
( ) gått på en blind date/had a blind date
(x) løyet for en venn/lied to a friend (rarely, long time ago)
( ) vært forelska i læreren/been in love with the lecturer
(x) skulka/shrik (school)
( ) sett noen dø/seen someone die
( ) vært forelska i en jeg har snakka med på nettet/been in love with an online person
( ) vært i/been to Canada
(x) vært i/been to Mexico
(x) vært i/been to Asia
(x) fløyet/flown (in an airplane)
( ) spydd i en bar/thrown up at a bar
( ) sett en del av meg selv brenne/seen a part of myself burn
(x) spist sushi/eaten sushi
(x) stått på snowboard/snowboarded
( ) crowdsurfet under en konsert/crowd surfed during a concert
( ) vært i et voldelig forhold/been in a violent relationship
(x) tatt smertestillende/taken anesthetics
(x) elsker eller savner noen akkurat nå/love or miss someone at this instant
(x) ligget på ryggen og sett skyene sveve forbi/lied on my back watching the clouds go by
(x) laget engler i snøen/made snowangels
( ) hatt et te-party/held a tea-party
(x) hatt mer enn 10 000 kr i hånda/held more than AUD 2000 equivalent (cash)
(x) bygget ett sandslott/built a sand castle
(x) hoppet i en vanndam/jumped in a water pit
(x) hoppet i en løvhaug/jumped in a pile of leaves
(x) akt akebrett/sledged (on snow)
(x) jukset når jeg har spilt spill/cheated when playing a game
(x) vært ensom/been lonely
( ) sovna på skolen/jobben / fallen asleep at school/uni/work
( ) brukt et falskt legitimasjonskort/used a fake ID
( ) vært et sted det er jordskjelv/been in an earthquake
(x) tatt på en orm/slange / touched a worm/snake
(x) sovet under stjernene/slept under the stars
(x) blitt kilt/been tickled
( ) blitt ranet/been robbed
(x) blitt misforstått/been misunderstood
( ) tatt hånd om et skadet dyr/taken care of an injured animal
(x) vunnet en konkurranse/won a competition
(x) gått på rød mann/walked on red pedestrian light
( ) blitt utestengt fra skolen/been expelled
(x) vært i en bilulykke/been in a car accident (minor ones only)
(x) hatt krampe/cramped up
(x) kjent meg som en utstøtt/felt like an outcast
( ) spist en hel boks med is på en natt/eaten a box of ice cream in one night
( ) danset i månelyset/danced in the moon light
( ) hatet mitt utseende/hated my looks
( ) vært vitne til et innbrudd/witness a burglary
(x) ikke hørt på hva hjertet sier/not listened to my heart
( ) vært besatt av post-it lapper/been obsessed with post-it notes
(x) gått uten sko i leire og presset leira mellom tærne/walked on clay without shoes
(x) gått meg bort/gotten lost
(x) vært på andre siden av landet/been at the other side of the country
(x) svømt i havet/swam in the ocan
( ) kjent som om jeg holder på å dø/felt as if I was about to die
( ) grått meg selv i søvn/cried myself to sleep
(x) lekt tyv og politi/played ”thief and cop”
(x) sunget karaoke/sang karaoke
(x) betalt for mat med bare mynt/paid for food with coins only
(x) gjort noe med meg selv som jeg ikke burde gjort/done something to myself I shouldn’t have
(x) tulleringt/prank called
(x) fanget et snøfnugg på tungen/caught a snowflake with my tongue
(x) dansa i regnet/danced in the rain
(x) skrevet brev til julenissen/written to Santa
(x) sett på solnedgangen sammen med noen jeg bryr meg om/watched the sunset with someone I cared about
(x) blåst bobler/blown bubbles
( ) gjort opp ild på en strand/made fire on a beach
( ) ødelagt en fest/destroyed a party
(x) gått på rollerblades/been rollerblading
(x) fått et ønske oppfylt/have a wish granted
( ) hatt på ekte perler/worn real pearls
(x) hoppet fra en bro/jumped from a bridge
(x) spist hund/kattemat/eaten dog/cat food
( ) sagt til en fremmed at du elsker henne/told a stranger I loved her
(x) kysset et speil/kissed a mirror
(x) sunget i dusjen/sang in shower
(x) hatt på en svart klesdrakt/worn a black outfit
(x) drømt at jeg gifta meg med noen/dreamt that I married someone
( ) limt fast din hånd i noe/glued my hand to something
(x) satt fast tungen på metall/had my tongue caught on metal (frozen)
( ) kysset en fisk/kissed a fish
( ) vært en/been a cheerleader
(x) sittet på et tak/sat on a roof
( ) skreket så ille at jeg fikk problemer med å puste/ screamed so viciously that I encountered breathing problems
( ) bygd en kjerre/built a cart
( ) pratet i telefon i mer enn fire timer/spoken on the phone more than four hours
(x) vært oppe hele natta/been up all night
( ) ikke dusja på en uke/not showered for a week
(x) plukket og spist ett eple direkte fra treet/picked an eaten an apple directly from the tree
(x) klatra i trær/climbed trees
(x) hatt en hytte i et tre/had a tree house
(x) bydd på en auksjon/bid at an auction (online)
( ) er redd for å se på skrekkfilm alene/afraid to watch horror movie by myself
(x) tror på spøkelser, det er mer mellom himmel og jord/believe in ghosts, that there is more between heaven and earth (the latter part)
( ) hatt på stygge eller annerledes klær på skolen for å høre hva folk sier/worn ugly or differnt clothes to school to see what other people thought
(x) spist kylling/eaten chicken
(x) blitt kastet i et basseng med klærne på/thrown in a pool with my clothes on (first aid course in grade school)
(x) blitt fortalt av en fremmed at du er sexy/been told by a stranger that I am sexy
( ) brekt et ben/broken a leg
(x) fanget en fisk og siden spist den/caught a fish and eaten it
(x) fanget en sommerfugl/caught a butterfly
(x) ledd så mye at jeg gråt/laughed so much that I started to cry
(x) grått så mye at jeg begynte å le/cried so much that I started to laugh
( ) juksa på en prøve/cheated on a test
(x) glemt noens navn/forgotten someone’s name
(x) besvimt/fainted
(x) grått på bussen/cried on the bus
(x) pratet med en fremmed i mer enn fem minutter/talked to a stranger more than five minutes
( ) gitt en uteligger mer enn 50 kroner/given a begger more than AUD 10
( ) spytta på noen jeg ikke har likt/spit at someone I did not like
( ) hoppet fallskjerm/jumped in a parachute
( ) vært utro/been unfaithful
( ) vært sjalu/been jealous
(x) kan skrive uten å titte på tastene/can type without looking
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
X: Darsh future/framtid
Sometimes a non-event is news. Darsh and I decided this weekend to remain together as a couple. The relationship will keep the same status as previously, but the implications expand. We are giving a future together a full-on shot. Not just until I go in (exactly) a month, but ahead – hopefully forever. Our relational connection is flowing very smoothly. On a practical level the challenges (not problems) are vast. Firstly, her speech pathology education is not done until November next year. The plan is that she eventually comes to Norway. Here obstacles like language, culture, climate, network and career await.
It is crazy I know, but still possible, as we really want it to happen. Of all the people (girls) I have met in my life, Darsh in one of extremely few with whom I could ever consider sharing my life. Furthermore, there is no such thing as a normal life - something more right or wrong. Statistics compare unique cases. Whether it is Kongsvinger outside Oslo or Kajang outside Kuala Lumpur have geographical consequences, but no universal answering key. Most importantly, which in many ways overshadow the rest; the core of our relationship is not each other, but Jesus and the faith in God.
I was fairly convinced I would not engage in another long distance relationship. But I have also been of the conviction that practical circumstances are not to break two people up.
If you still do not agree with my line of thought, you probably haven’t met Darshini yet.
We know what we want, but are far from possessing all the answers of the future. My mom reminded me of the famous quote:
Peter (1 Pet 5;7, NIV) the apostle also had write encouraging words for troublesome times:
Noen ganger er det at noe ikke skjer en nyhet. Darsh og jeg bestemte oss denne uka for å forbli sammen. Forholdet vil ha samme status som før, men dets implikasjoner er mye sterkere. Vi satser. Ikke bare til jeg drar om (nøyaktig) en måned, men framover – forhåpentligvis for godt. Relasjonsmessig kommer vi veldig godt overens. På det praktiske plan er utfordringene enorme. Hennes logoped-utdanning er for det første ikke ferdig før i november neste år. Planen er at hun etter hvert kommer til Norge. Her venter hinder som språk, kultur, nettverk, karriere og klima.
Det er galskap, men mulig ettersom vi virkelig vil. Darsh er en av ytterst få jeg kan dele resten av livet mitt med. Og jeg blir stadig mer overbevist det ikke finnes ”normale” livløp, eller noen som er mer rett eller galt (selv om man kan gjøre rette eller gale ting underveis). Om det er Kongsvinger eller Kajang har geografiske konsekvenser, men ingen universal fasit. Statistikker sammenlikner unike tilfeller. Og vesentligst av alt, som på mange måter overskygger alt det andre; det viktigste forholdet vårt er ikke oss selv, det er Jesus og troen på Gud.
Jeg var nokså overbevist om at jeg ikke skulle innlede et nytt avstandsforhold. Men jeg har også vært beinhard på at man ikke skal bryte opp et forhold på grunnlag av praktiske omstendigheter. Om du fortsatt ikke kan enes med mitt resonnement, har du sannsynligvis ikke møtt Darshini ennå.
Vi har viljen, men langt fra alle svarene om framtida. Min mor påminte meg om det kjente sitatet
Et annet mysterium er opphavsmannen til sitatet, da både Thomas Merton, M. Scott Peck, Jospeh Campell, William Butler Yeats og Gabriel Marcel skal ha skrevet disse ordene.
Apostelen Peter (1 Pet 5,7) har også notert noen kloke ord i utfordrende tider:
It is crazy I know, but still possible, as we really want it to happen. Of all the people (girls) I have met in my life, Darsh in one of extremely few with whom I could ever consider sharing my life. Furthermore, there is no such thing as a normal life - something more right or wrong. Statistics compare unique cases. Whether it is Kongsvinger outside Oslo or Kajang outside Kuala Lumpur have geographical consequences, but no universal answering key. Most importantly, which in many ways overshadow the rest; the core of our relationship is not each other, but Jesus and the faith in God.
I was fairly convinced I would not engage in another long distance relationship. But I have also been of the conviction that practical circumstances are not to break two people up.
If you still do not agree with my line of thought, you probably haven’t met Darshini yet.
We know what we want, but are far from possessing all the answers of the future. My mom reminded me of the famous quote:
“Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived”(Another mystery is who first wrote it, as Thomas Merton, M. Scott Peck, Joseph Campbell, William Butler Yeats and Gabriel Marcel are all quoted online).
Peter (1 Pet 5;7, NIV) the apostle also had write encouraging words for troublesome times:
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you"
Noen ganger er det at noe ikke skjer en nyhet. Darsh og jeg bestemte oss denne uka for å forbli sammen. Forholdet vil ha samme status som før, men dets implikasjoner er mye sterkere. Vi satser. Ikke bare til jeg drar om (nøyaktig) en måned, men framover – forhåpentligvis for godt. Relasjonsmessig kommer vi veldig godt overens. På det praktiske plan er utfordringene enorme. Hennes logoped-utdanning er for det første ikke ferdig før i november neste år. Planen er at hun etter hvert kommer til Norge. Her venter hinder som språk, kultur, nettverk, karriere og klima.
Det er galskap, men mulig ettersom vi virkelig vil. Darsh er en av ytterst få jeg kan dele resten av livet mitt med. Og jeg blir stadig mer overbevist det ikke finnes ”normale” livløp, eller noen som er mer rett eller galt (selv om man kan gjøre rette eller gale ting underveis). Om det er Kongsvinger eller Kajang har geografiske konsekvenser, men ingen universal fasit. Statistikker sammenlikner unike tilfeller. Og vesentligst av alt, som på mange måter overskygger alt det andre; det viktigste forholdet vårt er ikke oss selv, det er Jesus og troen på Gud.
Jeg var nokså overbevist om at jeg ikke skulle innlede et nytt avstandsforhold. Men jeg har også vært beinhard på at man ikke skal bryte opp et forhold på grunnlag av praktiske omstendigheter. Om du fortsatt ikke kan enes med mitt resonnement, har du sannsynligvis ikke møtt Darshini ennå.
Vi har viljen, men langt fra alle svarene om framtida. Min mor påminte meg om det kjente sitatet
”Livet er ikke et problem du skal løse, men et mysterium du skal oppleve”
Et annet mysterium er opphavsmannen til sitatet, da både Thomas Merton, M. Scott Peck, Jospeh Campell, William Butler Yeats og Gabriel Marcel skal ha skrevet disse ordene.
Apostelen Peter (1 Pet 5,7) har også notert noen kloke ord i utfordrende tider:
"Kast all deres bekymring på ham, for han har omsorg for dere".
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
X: Timed future/framtida etappesert
As my second leaving of Melbourne is within sight and many questions have been asked, I have decided to give a short listing of known (approximate) times for my nearest future, apart from church, practice, studies, friends etc.
May 17: Today. Norwegian national day.
May 20, 27, June 3, 17: Soccer games. We won the last two 8-1 and 8-1 thanks to improved team play and great coaches.
June 5: Final assignment due date for Global Crisis Reporting (5000 words). June 2 the last essay in Understanding development (3000 words) is to be turned in. I am currently spending most my awake time with these two tasks.
June 21: Departure Melbourne. I will fly to Perth and explore the coast in the West for a few days before leaving Australia.
June 24: To Hong Kong. On my way to Scandinavia, I will explore this dense, China-independent country.
June 29: To Oslo. Back in Norway after leaving January 9.
July 1: Wedding of my friends John Olav and Rannveig.
July 3: Summer job commences for the month.
July 13: Finally going home to my family in the north, in Brøstadbotn. Will actually travel with my parents who will also be on their way home that Thursday, going via Oslo. I will return to Oslo the 18th and stay till the 26th.
July 29: My brother, Jørgen, is getting married to his wonderful Ingunn Sofie.
August 11: Return to Oslo. Commence my third semester and last year of my master degree. The semester will be flexible what location concerns, as I only have work on my thesis on the agenda.
Ettersom avskjed Melbourne er innen rekkevidde og mange har spurt om hva som nå skal skje, legger jeg herved ut en oversikt over planlagte framtidsbevegelser og hendelser utover studier, kirkegang, trening, venner etc. Framtida i etapper.
17. mai: I dag. Nasjonaldag! Hurra hurra hurra! Min vil bestå i skolearbeid og fotballtrening.
20. mai, 27. mai, 3. og 17. juni: Fotballkamper. Laget er i slag, og vant de siste to kampene 8-1 og 8-0, takk til lagspill og gode trenere.
5. juni: Siste innleveringsdato for essayet i faget Global Crisis Reporting (5000 ord). 2. juni må jeg ha levert 3000 ord i Understanding Development. Jeg benytter mesteparten av mine våkne minutter til disse to skriftlige arbeidene om henholdsvis om global krisejournalistikk letter lidelse og fokuserer på sosial urettferdighet i verden, og utviklingssiutasjonen for kvinner i post-Taliban Afghanistan. Kom gjerne med innspill.
21. juni: Avskjed Melbourne. Jeg flyr helt vest til Perth og blir der et par dager før jeg forlater Australia.
24. juni: Til Hong Kong. På vei til Skandinavia skal jeg utforske det lille tettpakkete landet.
29. juni: Til Oslo. Tilbake i Norge for første gang siden 9. januar om alt går etter planen.
1. juli: Bryllup: John Olav og Rannveig gifter seg i Grefsen kirke.
3. juli: Påbegynnelse sommerjobb for It-avisen.
13. juli: Brøstadbotn. Endelig for jeg kommet meg til det varme nord. Jeg blir faktisk å reise med mine foreldre som også vil være på vei hjem fra ferie. 18. til 26. juli tar jeg en ny runde i hovedstaden.
29. juli: Min kjære bror, Jørgen, gifter seg med sin kjære Ingunn Sofie i Rossfjord kirke kl 12:30.
11. august: Atter en gang vender jeg tilbake til Oslo. Denne gang for å ta til på mitt tredje semester og siste år på mastergraden i medievitenskap. Semesteret vil være nokså fritt geografisk da jeg kun blir å jobbe med masteroppgaven. Jobb, trening, husleie og konsentrasjonsbehov vil nok begrense reisinga noe.
May 17: Today. Norwegian national day.
May 20, 27, June 3, 17: Soccer games. We won the last two 8-1 and 8-1 thanks to improved team play and great coaches.
June 5: Final assignment due date for Global Crisis Reporting (5000 words). June 2 the last essay in Understanding development (3000 words) is to be turned in. I am currently spending most my awake time with these two tasks.
June 21: Departure Melbourne. I will fly to Perth and explore the coast in the West for a few days before leaving Australia.
June 24: To Hong Kong. On my way to Scandinavia, I will explore this dense, China-independent country.
June 29: To Oslo. Back in Norway after leaving January 9.
July 1: Wedding of my friends John Olav and Rannveig.
July 3: Summer job commences for the month.
July 13: Finally going home to my family in the north, in Brøstadbotn. Will actually travel with my parents who will also be on their way home that Thursday, going via Oslo. I will return to Oslo the 18th and stay till the 26th.
July 29: My brother, Jørgen, is getting married to his wonderful Ingunn Sofie.
August 11: Return to Oslo. Commence my third semester and last year of my master degree. The semester will be flexible what location concerns, as I only have work on my thesis on the agenda.
Ettersom avskjed Melbourne er innen rekkevidde og mange har spurt om hva som nå skal skje, legger jeg herved ut en oversikt over planlagte framtidsbevegelser og hendelser utover studier, kirkegang, trening, venner etc. Framtida i etapper.
17. mai: I dag. Nasjonaldag! Hurra hurra hurra! Min vil bestå i skolearbeid og fotballtrening.
20. mai, 27. mai, 3. og 17. juni: Fotballkamper. Laget er i slag, og vant de siste to kampene 8-1 og 8-0, takk til lagspill og gode trenere.
5. juni: Siste innleveringsdato for essayet i faget Global Crisis Reporting (5000 ord). 2. juni må jeg ha levert 3000 ord i Understanding Development. Jeg benytter mesteparten av mine våkne minutter til disse to skriftlige arbeidene om henholdsvis om global krisejournalistikk letter lidelse og fokuserer på sosial urettferdighet i verden, og utviklingssiutasjonen for kvinner i post-Taliban Afghanistan. Kom gjerne med innspill.
21. juni: Avskjed Melbourne. Jeg flyr helt vest til Perth og blir der et par dager før jeg forlater Australia.
24. juni: Til Hong Kong. På vei til Skandinavia skal jeg utforske det lille tettpakkete landet.
29. juni: Til Oslo. Tilbake i Norge for første gang siden 9. januar om alt går etter planen.
1. juli: Bryllup: John Olav og Rannveig gifter seg i Grefsen kirke.
3. juli: Påbegynnelse sommerjobb for It-avisen.
13. juli: Brøstadbotn. Endelig for jeg kommet meg til det varme nord. Jeg blir faktisk å reise med mine foreldre som også vil være på vei hjem fra ferie. 18. til 26. juli tar jeg en ny runde i hovedstaden.
29. juli: Min kjære bror, Jørgen, gifter seg med sin kjære Ingunn Sofie i Rossfjord kirke kl 12:30.
11. august: Atter en gang vender jeg tilbake til Oslo. Denne gang for å ta til på mitt tredje semester og siste år på mastergraden i medievitenskap. Semesteret vil være nokså fritt geografisk da jeg kun blir å jobbe med masteroppgaven. Jobb, trening, husleie og konsentrasjonsbehov vil nok begrense reisinga noe.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
E: Online clips 9
To balance the recent seriousness, I thought it was time with some more entertaining video clips.
I love hidden camera gigs like this one; What if a little kid you are supposed to watch pulls off a side-mirror of a stranger’s car and then runs away?
How many weird items are you able to swallow – and return – without choking? Talented are also this beatboxer who hums and beat at the same time, and this young soccer juggler with amazing control.
Next is a touching story about a special high school basketball assistant.
Finally, you can meet Mr. Lucky, who just won a car with a scratch-off lottery ticket.
Previous videos to which I have linked:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.
I love hidden camera gigs like this one; What if a little kid you are supposed to watch pulls off a side-mirror of a stranger’s car and then runs away?
How many weird items are you able to swallow – and return – without choking? Talented are also this beatboxer who hums and beat at the same time, and this young soccer juggler with amazing control.
Next is a touching story about a special high school basketball assistant.
Finally, you can meet Mr. Lucky, who just won a car with a scratch-off lottery ticket.
Previous videos to which I have linked:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.
X: Know first aid/Lær deg førstehjelp
An e-mail about recognizing stroke came to my mailbox yesterday. Do you know how to? And are you sure about the steps of action for basic first aid?
Or what if you have to manage various emergencies out in the wilderness without an ambulance close at hand? Nobody wants it to happen, but every once in a while, it can be good to refresh your knowledge – hence, even take a course.
Jeg mottok en e-post om hvordan man kjenner igjen et slagtilfelle. For opplæring eller oppfrisknings skyld, velger jeg å gjengi teksten under. I tillegg kan det være kjekt å ta en titt på rettledningen fra Norsk Luftambulanse i ulike førstehjelpssituasjoner. Ingen ønsker å havne i ulykkessituasjoner, men det å vurdere et førstehjelpskurs kan gjøre en forskjell om uhellet skulle være ute.
Å kjenne igjen et slagtilfelle
Under en fest snublet og falt en dame på grunn av en stein. Hun forsikret alle om at hun hadde det bra (de tilbød seg å ringe lege). De hjalp henne med å få klærne i orden og ga henne en ny tallerken med mat - og selv om hun virket litt "skjelven"
fortsatte hun å ha det hyggelig resten av kvelden.
Hennes mann ringte senere og fortalte at hans kone var blitt kjørt til sykehuset senere på natta, og kl 0600 døde hun. Hun hadde fått et slag mens hun var på festen. Om man hadde visst hvordan man kjenner igjen symptomer på slag, så hadde hun kanskje vært i live i dag.
En nevrolog sier at om han får hånd om en slagpasient innen tre timer
kan man meget mulig heve effekten av slaget! Utfodringen er å kjenne igjen et slag, få det diagnostisert og få pasienten til legen innen disse tre timene. Det er vitalt at behandling kommer i gang så snart som mulig.
Nå sier legene at alle kan lære seg å kjenne igjen et slagtilfelle
gjennom å stille tre enkle spørsmål:
1. Be personen om å SMILE
2. Be personenen om å LØFTE BEGGE ARMENE
3. Be personen å SI EN ENKEL SETNING (sammenhengende) F.eks. solen
skinner i dag.
Om personen har problemer med noen av disse oppgavene så skal man straks ringe 113 (i Norge) og beskrive symptomene.
Or what if you have to manage various emergencies out in the wilderness without an ambulance close at hand? Nobody wants it to happen, but every once in a while, it can be good to refresh your knowledge – hence, even take a course.
Jeg mottok en e-post om hvordan man kjenner igjen et slagtilfelle. For opplæring eller oppfrisknings skyld, velger jeg å gjengi teksten under. I tillegg kan det være kjekt å ta en titt på rettledningen fra Norsk Luftambulanse i ulike førstehjelpssituasjoner. Ingen ønsker å havne i ulykkessituasjoner, men det å vurdere et førstehjelpskurs kan gjøre en forskjell om uhellet skulle være ute.
Å kjenne igjen et slagtilfelle
Under en fest snublet og falt en dame på grunn av en stein. Hun forsikret alle om at hun hadde det bra (de tilbød seg å ringe lege). De hjalp henne med å få klærne i orden og ga henne en ny tallerken med mat - og selv om hun virket litt "skjelven"
fortsatte hun å ha det hyggelig resten av kvelden.
Hennes mann ringte senere og fortalte at hans kone var blitt kjørt til sykehuset senere på natta, og kl 0600 døde hun. Hun hadde fått et slag mens hun var på festen. Om man hadde visst hvordan man kjenner igjen symptomer på slag, så hadde hun kanskje vært i live i dag.
En nevrolog sier at om han får hånd om en slagpasient innen tre timer
kan man meget mulig heve effekten av slaget! Utfodringen er å kjenne igjen et slag, få det diagnostisert og få pasienten til legen innen disse tre timene. Det er vitalt at behandling kommer i gang så snart som mulig.
Nå sier legene at alle kan lære seg å kjenne igjen et slagtilfelle
gjennom å stille tre enkle spørsmål:
1. Be personen om å SMILE
2. Be personenen om å LØFTE BEGGE ARMENE
3. Be personen å SI EN ENKEL SETNING (sammenhengende) F.eks. solen
skinner i dag.
Om personen har problemer med noen av disse oppgavene så skal man straks ringe 113 (i Norge) og beskrive symptomene.
Friday, May 12, 2006
E: Inside winter
There are so many things rotating in my head these days. Lots have to do with finishing studies. 8000 words due before June 5. Much of the rest deals with my future departure. I have a June 21 ticket out of Melbourne.
But instead I will speak of the current season; the so-called winter. I write so-called because temperature wise it could be a bad summer day in the North of Norway where I am from. It is more windy, more rainy and at times fairly chilly compare to the rest of the Melbourne year, but one can still wear shorts on a good day.
However, thorough house heating is not the biggest hit. As most people are bricks and not utterly isolated, production and keeping of warmth does not come naturally. And if people prefer to study from home, like myself, there are many hours spent inside the home. The days there are only few degrees outside, the heat transfer will eventually get to you and lower the temperature. To put on jumpers and gloves I have done a few times. Then to exit the building without a proper ground temperature makes the surroundings a bit cooler, thus producing a chilling feeling within. My body is constructed in a way that I can jump in ice water and handle minus many degrees without any worries. But being exposed to cold air (or water) for an extended period of time will often cool me down quicker than for others.
The phenomenon described has been recognized by other non-Aussies. I am not suffering though. We do have a working thermostat that has been used in need. Australia is not very cold outside. The houses can be a bit cooler, but the people are warm inside.
But instead I will speak of the current season; the so-called winter. I write so-called because temperature wise it could be a bad summer day in the North of Norway where I am from. It is more windy, more rainy and at times fairly chilly compare to the rest of the Melbourne year, but one can still wear shorts on a good day.
However, thorough house heating is not the biggest hit. As most people are bricks and not utterly isolated, production and keeping of warmth does not come naturally. And if people prefer to study from home, like myself, there are many hours spent inside the home. The days there are only few degrees outside, the heat transfer will eventually get to you and lower the temperature. To put on jumpers and gloves I have done a few times. Then to exit the building without a proper ground temperature makes the surroundings a bit cooler, thus producing a chilling feeling within. My body is constructed in a way that I can jump in ice water and handle minus many degrees without any worries. But being exposed to cold air (or water) for an extended period of time will often cool me down quicker than for others.
The phenomenon described has been recognized by other non-Aussies. I am not suffering though. We do have a working thermostat that has been used in need. Australia is not very cold outside. The houses can be a bit cooler, but the people are warm inside.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
E: A crash course
The incident happened about 6:15 pm, Monday May 1, 2006. Practice is on, but my regular “driver”, my back-up ride nor my coach can take me this day. I therefore ride my bicycle all the way up to Bundoora (30 + minutes from Brunswick where I live). It’s busy traffic, raining and dark, but I have my blinking front lights and tail lights on. I am riding my bicycle along the bike lane, when a white car from supposed to be yielding suddenly cuts across my pathway from a side street. I have no chance at stopping and smashes right in the front. The next thing I remember is tumbling on the ground, head first. The helmet is splintered, but did not shatter. My legs have a line of bruises across, probably from hitting the paved curb, and two bruises are a bit painful. My right shoulder feels battered. My right hand and underarm display abrasions. I am a bit shaky, but not in major pain.
There are two male witnesses there, who make sure we are both all right, hear that the lady driver apologizes for what happens, it was made clear that it was her fault and not mine, and make sure she gives me her details. I also get the contact info of one of the witnesses. Not really familiar with how things work, and probably unwilling to admit that I was in any kind of shocked stage, all I can think about is my soccer practice. I do not seek medical help, but cycle to practice and complete it, although my legs hurt a bit.
When I return home later that night, I realize that my digital camera had been in my bag and is broken. A trip to a bike shop the next day reveals that seat and helmet needs to be replaced and both wheels straightened.
The real story is what happens next. I call the lady Tuesday night to tell her that I am still physically ok, but my bike needs to be fixed and my camera broke. She is happy that I am ok, but says that the camera will not be covered by the insurance, as it’s a personal item (i.e not the vehicle) and they will not pay for it. Then her husband, who was not in the accident, takes the phone and is the communicator from that moment and in the couple of conversations that followed. I am not an easy person to break, but I have to admit that I found his rhetoric intimidating. Although he claimed to treat me “more than fair”, he mentioned insurance fraud and my desire just to want a new bike and a new camera (which, since I didn’t mention right after the crash is probably made up). “What’s next; are you going to say you had a TV in the bag too?” and “If you cycled from the incident, that says to me the bike was fine”. The first night he gives me an ultimatum saying he can come and pay 100 dollars for the fixing of the bike (the quote was more) and be done with it all, or “you have to take it with the insurance”. Unsure how to handle the situation, not wishing to cause trouble and unaware of my rights, I hesitate a bit getting the reply “Oh, you are out of words. I thought you were a uni student”.
The following day I speak to a legal adviser/solicitor at uni to hear my rights. She gives me confidence in that I have all rights on my side, and am entitled to have things restored to the condition it was before the accident. I get a written quote from the bike shop, but did not have time to get to check the camera. The husband on the phone now says he can pay for the bike, but wants to come with me to the shop when it’s turned it to settle it. That implies being over and done with everything. I say that it is fine if he wants to pay for the bike, but still want to wait for a quote for my camera – if it can be fixed. “I don’t care if your camera is 10,000 or 10 dollars, I am not giving you a penny” is the reply. Moreover; “If you want something for the camera, you have to take me to court”. It was not really any sympathy for my damages, just talking of what I could proof, that they mysteriously had some witnesses AND had allegedly been taping the conversation where I admitted I did not take up my camera at the site, in the rainy dark (which is true, as I wasn’t aware that the camera was there at the time).
Thursday I talked to the solicitor again. She says I can settle if I want, but thinks I will at least gett he money for bike if I pursue the case further with her help. We agree that she takes over all communication and proceed in a legalistic manner. I am just happy to not talk or meet the other party, who gives me the impression that I am the guilty one. I also get a camera shop to tell me the camera is not worth fixing and a police statuary declaration describing what happened. To wrap up, a letter will be sent, formally describing what happened, my rights and a claimed for being restored. The reply will determine further action. I will update the matter when the outcome is clear.
What important points to draw from this “crash course” - literally? Firstly, always wear a helmet! And in Australia it is fortunately the law. Secondly, not all people are nice people. Thirdly, in an accident, always get the necessary details and agree on what happened right there on the spot on the spot. Fourthly, at the end of the day it is only money. Things could have gotten much worse, and I thank God I only have economic issues to deal with in the aftermath.
There are two male witnesses there, who make sure we are both all right, hear that the lady driver apologizes for what happens, it was made clear that it was her fault and not mine, and make sure she gives me her details. I also get the contact info of one of the witnesses. Not really familiar with how things work, and probably unwilling to admit that I was in any kind of shocked stage, all I can think about is my soccer practice. I do not seek medical help, but cycle to practice and complete it, although my legs hurt a bit.
When I return home later that night, I realize that my digital camera had been in my bag and is broken. A trip to a bike shop the next day reveals that seat and helmet needs to be replaced and both wheels straightened.
The real story is what happens next. I call the lady Tuesday night to tell her that I am still physically ok, but my bike needs to be fixed and my camera broke. She is happy that I am ok, but says that the camera will not be covered by the insurance, as it’s a personal item (i.e not the vehicle) and they will not pay for it. Then her husband, who was not in the accident, takes the phone and is the communicator from that moment and in the couple of conversations that followed. I am not an easy person to break, but I have to admit that I found his rhetoric intimidating. Although he claimed to treat me “more than fair”, he mentioned insurance fraud and my desire just to want a new bike and a new camera (which, since I didn’t mention right after the crash is probably made up). “What’s next; are you going to say you had a TV in the bag too?” and “If you cycled from the incident, that says to me the bike was fine”. The first night he gives me an ultimatum saying he can come and pay 100 dollars for the fixing of the bike (the quote was more) and be done with it all, or “you have to take it with the insurance”. Unsure how to handle the situation, not wishing to cause trouble and unaware of my rights, I hesitate a bit getting the reply “Oh, you are out of words. I thought you were a uni student”.
The following day I speak to a legal adviser/solicitor at uni to hear my rights. She gives me confidence in that I have all rights on my side, and am entitled to have things restored to the condition it was before the accident. I get a written quote from the bike shop, but did not have time to get to check the camera. The husband on the phone now says he can pay for the bike, but wants to come with me to the shop when it’s turned it to settle it. That implies being over and done with everything. I say that it is fine if he wants to pay for the bike, but still want to wait for a quote for my camera – if it can be fixed. “I don’t care if your camera is 10,000 or 10 dollars, I am not giving you a penny” is the reply. Moreover; “If you want something for the camera, you have to take me to court”. It was not really any sympathy for my damages, just talking of what I could proof, that they mysteriously had some witnesses AND had allegedly been taping the conversation where I admitted I did not take up my camera at the site, in the rainy dark (which is true, as I wasn’t aware that the camera was there at the time).
Thursday I talked to the solicitor again. She says I can settle if I want, but thinks I will at least gett he money for bike if I pursue the case further with her help. We agree that she takes over all communication and proceed in a legalistic manner. I am just happy to not talk or meet the other party, who gives me the impression that I am the guilty one. I also get a camera shop to tell me the camera is not worth fixing and a police statuary declaration describing what happened. To wrap up, a letter will be sent, formally describing what happened, my rights and a claimed for being restored. The reply will determine further action. I will update the matter when the outcome is clear.
What important points to draw from this “crash course” - literally? Firstly, always wear a helmet! And in Australia it is fortunately the law. Secondly, not all people are nice people. Thirdly, in an accident, always get the necessary details and agree on what happened right there on the spot on the spot. Fourthly, at the end of the day it is only money. Things could have gotten much worse, and I thank God I only have economic issues to deal with in the aftermath.
Monday, May 08, 2006
X: Clowny/klovnete 24
Another birthday without expectations. And yet another year of surprises. Turning 24 on April 27th started with a surprise breakfast by my housemates, assembled by my lovely Darsh. I was equally flabbergasted by the fact that sleep-happy Mabru, a friend from the Tuturu friendship circle, had gotten up to breakfast by 8 am. The two guests left around 9:30 after serving eggs, bacon, bread, muffin-cake stuff and birthday present.
I got a bit of studying accomplished before noon when I headed towards uni to show Mabru around campus for her potential tourism master degree there. Little did I think about the fact that Melbourne Uni does not offer tourism. Fooled again. Mabru did come out of the tram as planned, but made up as a clown. So were Will (another one of the group) and Darsh. With full costumes, make-up, jam tarts, helium balloons, juggling balls and birthday song. A shy person would not have walked through campus with a balloon in hand followed by three bouncy clowns after whom everyone turned their eyes. Darsh friend Sueng also added a year to her age on the 27th of April and was recognized in the same fashion. We had lunch, fun and picture time on the north lawns of campus.
I got to attend my tutorial, and worked a few hours on my assignment before I was more than ready for a Thai-dinner at Sydney Road (in Brunswick, the suburb in which I live) with and treated by Darsh. A few hours, and more singing, cake and presents were overwhelming me before midnight.
I am no great fan of lots of focus on myself. But I have to admit the “fuzzy feeling” of being appreciated, remembered, prayed for. A big thank you to all those initiating greetings, prayers, thoughts, calls, SMS, MSN conversations, e-mails and birthday cards in regards to my birthday.
A few pictures available, to be updated when shots for other cameras are assembled.
Nok en gnag fylte jeg år uten de store forventningene. Nok en gang ble jeg overrasket. Å bli 24 på 27. april innebar en frokost med mine medboere, og arrangert av min kjære Darshini (som var primus motor bak matinntaket). Vel så paff ble jeg muligens av at Mabru, en venninne i vennegjengen jeg har fra sist, hadde karret seg våken i til frokost i åttetiden. De to gjestene dro av sted etter 9:30 etter å ha servert eggeblanding, bacon, brød, muffinskaker og bursdagsgave.
Det ble litt studier før 12, da jeg satte kursen for universitetet og et nytt møte med Mabru for å vise henne universitet i forhold til en mulig turistmaster. Trodde jeg. Ut av trikken kom riktignok Mabru, men sammen med Will (en annen i gjengen) og Darsh igjen var det som fult sminkende klovner med kostyme, syltetøysterter, heliumsballonger, sjongeleringsballer og bursdagssang. Darsh hadde sydd 27 på magen til klovnedrakten sin – mitt favorittall. En sjenert person vil ikke kunne gått gjennom universitetsområdet med ballong i hånd og fulgt av tre klovner som alle snudde øynene etter. [Sueng], Darshs bestevenninne, hadde også bursdag 27. april og ble anerkjent på samme måte som meg.
Jeg fikk atter noen timer til undervisning og mer lesing, før jeg var mer enn klar for å bli tatt med på thai-middag langsetter Sydney Road (like ved der jeg bor i Brunswick) sammen med min kjære – på hennes regning. Før det ble natt, tilbrakte vi også noen timer hos ”vertsfamilien” hennes til mer sang, kake og flere gaver; t-skjorte og reisemagasin; 100 ting å gjøre i Australia før du dør.
Jeg er ingen stor fan av storfokus rundt bar meg selv, men må innrømme at det er godt å bli minnet på at folk husker på, ber for og setter pris på meg. Takk også til alle som stod bak telefonsamtaler, SMS, MSN-gratulasjoner, e-post og bursdagskort.
Noen bilder er tilgjengelig, men albumet vil oppdateres så snart jeg får samlet blinkskuddene fra andres kamera.
I got a bit of studying accomplished before noon when I headed towards uni to show Mabru around campus for her potential tourism master degree there. Little did I think about the fact that Melbourne Uni does not offer tourism. Fooled again. Mabru did come out of the tram as planned, but made up as a clown. So were Will (another one of the group) and Darsh. With full costumes, make-up, jam tarts, helium balloons, juggling balls and birthday song. A shy person would not have walked through campus with a balloon in hand followed by three bouncy clowns after whom everyone turned their eyes. Darsh friend Sueng also added a year to her age on the 27th of April and was recognized in the same fashion. We had lunch, fun and picture time on the north lawns of campus.
I got to attend my tutorial, and worked a few hours on my assignment before I was more than ready for a Thai-dinner at Sydney Road (in Brunswick, the suburb in which I live) with and treated by Darsh. A few hours, and more singing, cake and presents were overwhelming me before midnight.
I am no great fan of lots of focus on myself. But I have to admit the “fuzzy feeling” of being appreciated, remembered, prayed for. A big thank you to all those initiating greetings, prayers, thoughts, calls, SMS, MSN conversations, e-mails and birthday cards in regards to my birthday.
A few pictures available, to be updated when shots for other cameras are assembled.
Nok en gnag fylte jeg år uten de store forventningene. Nok en gang ble jeg overrasket. Å bli 24 på 27. april innebar en frokost med mine medboere, og arrangert av min kjære Darshini (som var primus motor bak matinntaket). Vel så paff ble jeg muligens av at Mabru, en venninne i vennegjengen jeg har fra sist, hadde karret seg våken i til frokost i åttetiden. De to gjestene dro av sted etter 9:30 etter å ha servert eggeblanding, bacon, brød, muffinskaker og bursdagsgave.
Det ble litt studier før 12, da jeg satte kursen for universitetet og et nytt møte med Mabru for å vise henne universitet i forhold til en mulig turistmaster. Trodde jeg. Ut av trikken kom riktignok Mabru, men sammen med Will (en annen i gjengen) og Darsh igjen var det som fult sminkende klovner med kostyme, syltetøysterter, heliumsballonger, sjongeleringsballer og bursdagssang. Darsh hadde sydd 27 på magen til klovnedrakten sin – mitt favorittall. En sjenert person vil ikke kunne gått gjennom universitetsområdet med ballong i hånd og fulgt av tre klovner som alle snudde øynene etter. [Sueng], Darshs bestevenninne, hadde også bursdag 27. april og ble anerkjent på samme måte som meg.
Jeg fikk atter noen timer til undervisning og mer lesing, før jeg var mer enn klar for å bli tatt med på thai-middag langsetter Sydney Road (like ved der jeg bor i Brunswick) sammen med min kjære – på hennes regning. Før det ble natt, tilbrakte vi også noen timer hos ”vertsfamilien” hennes til mer sang, kake og flere gaver; t-skjorte og reisemagasin; 100 ting å gjøre i Australia før du dør.
Jeg er ingen stor fan av storfokus rundt bar meg selv, men må innrømme at det er godt å bli minnet på at folk husker på, ber for og setter pris på meg. Takk også til alle som stod bak telefonsamtaler, SMS, MSN-gratulasjoner, e-post og bursdagskort.
Noen bilder er tilgjengelig, men albumet vil oppdateres så snart jeg får samlet blinkskuddene fra andres kamera.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
E: Snaps of Tasmania
Tasmania is a most charming state south of mainland Australia. It has the true laid-back spirit and blessed with rich nature. Darsh and I spent Easter Sunday (April 16) to the Wednesday April 19 on the picturesque island. Being helped out greatly from Darsh’s lovely friend Belinda and her four-year-old and very bright daughter Paige, we enjoyed the four day break from Melbourne. The pictures will explain it the best, but I’ll briefly write of our pastimes.
Sunday: arrival Hobart, being picked up by Belinda/Paige, go for breakfast in the city, attend Easter Sunday Service in contemporary Central Christian Church, drive up to Freycinet park on the East coast, including gorgeous Wineglass Bay, drive up to Launceston and spent the night at Tamar Backpacker Hotel. During the day we counted 29 road kills (kangaroos, wallabies, foxes etc) on the road.
Monday: Explore Launceston, including a river cruise, historic walk and the famous gorge before heading back to Belinda/Paige in Hobart at night.
Tuesday: The historical village of Richmond was visited briefly before heading to the infamous Port Arthur. We did the cruise, the buildings and the ghost tour at night. The former prison sight, with convicts shipped form UK and around, got a lot of promotion because of the tragic massacre 10 years ago. A few great sites along the today way: Tebbellated pavement, Tasman blowhole, Tasman Arch and Devil’s kitchen.
Wednesday: A stormy Mt. Wellington with Darsh’s first encounter of snow (!) and a marvelous view of Hobart. Thereafter we walked around Hobart and saw 7 mile beach before returning to Melbourne.
Sunday: arrival Hobart, being picked up by Belinda/Paige, go for breakfast in the city, attend Easter Sunday Service in contemporary Central Christian Church, drive up to Freycinet park on the East coast, including gorgeous Wineglass Bay, drive up to Launceston and spent the night at Tamar Backpacker Hotel. During the day we counted 29 road kills (kangaroos, wallabies, foxes etc) on the road.
Monday: Explore Launceston, including a river cruise, historic walk and the famous gorge before heading back to Belinda/Paige in Hobart at night.
Tuesday: The historical village of Richmond was visited briefly before heading to the infamous Port Arthur. We did the cruise, the buildings and the ghost tour at night. The former prison sight, with convicts shipped form UK and around, got a lot of promotion because of the tragic massacre 10 years ago. A few great sites along the today way: Tebbellated pavement, Tasman blowhole, Tasman Arch and Devil’s kitchen.
Wednesday: A stormy Mt. Wellington with Darsh’s first encounter of snow (!) and a marvelous view of Hobart. Thereafter we walked around Hobart and saw 7 mile beach before returning to Melbourne.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
E: Online clips 8
I am on a online video roll :)
Even if I wasn’t a Liverpool fan, the Champions League final last year must have been one of the most exciting soccer club games ever played. See the highlights.
Combining soccer with break dancing is also pretty cool.
Which is faster you think of morse code or SMS?
In the media world it is often easy find the angle you want. Conspiracy theories about September 11 is done here, but done in a very convincing way, which make you think if it was more to the event than what the mainstream news presented.
Scooters (snowmobils) can be a dangerous vehicle. I mainly included this clip because it’s actually from my region/state in Norway (Troms).
Writing of milder accidents, have you ever heard of Children’s Jackass?
Watch the past seven online clip entries:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7
Even if I wasn’t a Liverpool fan, the Champions League final last year must have been one of the most exciting soccer club games ever played. See the highlights.
Combining soccer with break dancing is also pretty cool.
Which is faster you think of morse code or SMS?
In the media world it is often easy find the angle you want. Conspiracy theories about September 11 is done here, but done in a very convincing way, which make you think if it was more to the event than what the mainstream news presented.
Scooters (snowmobils) can be a dangerous vehicle. I mainly included this clip because it’s actually from my region/state in Norway (Troms).
Writing of milder accidents, have you ever heard of Children’s Jackass?
Watch the past seven online clip entries:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7
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