Saturday, April 22, 2006

E: Life glimpses

Immense uni workload makes life is tough at the moment. Doing 5th year subjects as a 4th year student without proper background and lack of co-requisite, was harder than expected. I did chose these subjects myself, but bureaucracy prevented me from doing the planned and desired ones. I now have a 5000 word media report due Monday, and three assignments adding up to 10,000 words by June 5th. The word amount I can deal with all right, but the challenging and highly terminology dense curriculum and lectures is getting to me a bit. I don’t really enjoy studying all that much, and struggle at time to focusing on other things than just to get through. I haven’t been able to do much other than studying all day recently, with a few exceptions.

One was going with my girlfriend Darsh to Tasmania from Easter Sunday to Wednesday. Picture and story to come.

Two is soccer. Season has begun, after many weeks of training and practice games. One loss and two wins (1-2, 4-1, 1-0) are the stats so far for this second division team; Northern Pumas. The coaches are great and the team is improving. It will be strange leaving the team midway in the season, especially when this year is probably the most likely shot at winning and move up to division 1.

Three is relationships. I mainly hang out with my housemates and Darsh, but have spent some time with the remaining Tuturus and others.

Four is church. I go to Bundoora Presbyterian Church every Sunday night and like it there.

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