My crammed student life leads to some unexpected consequences.
A bad example is the fact that actually skipped one of my lectures to work on my assignment in the same subject. This is not very characteristic of me, particularly as I only have five contact hours per week. I have always felt obligated to be in any form of teaching or tutoring set up for me. With all the effort prepared and the potential knowledge I could lose, I attend whether or not it’s compulsory, regardless of how much time I have or how interesting I find it. Except on Thursday for the Understanding Development class.
A better example is that time appeares to be moving slower somehow. When spending most my day in the books, I have a notion that everything else I do, be it practice, church or hanging out with people, has reduced motion. I have been wondering a few times if my watch was delayed.
The best example is, I guess, that I learn something. Or so I hope. I dunno how much gulp-up wisdom I could cite here and now, but the conversation, readings, and even assignment work seem to gradually make more sense – even if the workload does not seem to drop. And if nothing else I tell myself that if I can get through this semester, I can do anything.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
E: Illogical note-taking
What is most important in people’s lives? For religious people it would be God first, while most people would rank family/friends, then maybe work/education and further down materialistic things.
Written language was developed to communicate and remember things. We flick out a pen, mobile or laptop when important information is being passed on to us.
But in everyday life, there is very little usage of the written word in the important aspects of life. Very few people take notes in church. Even fewer write down and meditate or analyze output of conversations between close friends or family members – even when it concerns serious issues. When being trained at worked there are not always co-staff or manuals to fill in. But do people take notes? Generally no. I read an article a while back saying people have even stopped bringing shopping lists to the grocery stores.
Education seems to be kept sacred for now. But technology makes it easy to distribute hand-outs, and much humanitarian studies focuses more on critical thinking than piles of facts. Still, students seem to be the remaining note-takers.
Why is it one seizes to do so outside of school? Maybe because it’s conventional, but habits aren’t always good. Maybe it’s because of reliance on the memory, but we have never been so bombarded with information and impulses. Maybe it’s because we are not getting graded, but doesn’t our performance test our character or friendship?
Think about all the thoughts you have throughout the day that you quickly forget if not said out load to someone else; just like dreams. From one in favor of small journalism-looking notebooks for all.
Written language was developed to communicate and remember things. We flick out a pen, mobile or laptop when important information is being passed on to us.
But in everyday life, there is very little usage of the written word in the important aspects of life. Very few people take notes in church. Even fewer write down and meditate or analyze output of conversations between close friends or family members – even when it concerns serious issues. When being trained at worked there are not always co-staff or manuals to fill in. But do people take notes? Generally no. I read an article a while back saying people have even stopped bringing shopping lists to the grocery stores.
Education seems to be kept sacred for now. But technology makes it easy to distribute hand-outs, and much humanitarian studies focuses more on critical thinking than piles of facts. Still, students seem to be the remaining note-takers.
Why is it one seizes to do so outside of school? Maybe because it’s conventional, but habits aren’t always good. Maybe it’s because of reliance on the memory, but we have never been so bombarded with information and impulses. Maybe it’s because we are not getting graded, but doesn’t our performance test our character or friendship?
Think about all the thoughts you have throughout the day that you quickly forget if not said out load to someone else; just like dreams. From one in favor of small journalism-looking notebooks for all.
Friday, April 28, 2006
X: Daddy plans/Pappaplaner
This is not for my father. Nor am I married and my fatherhood coming up anytime soon. But I have some specific ideas for things I would like to do or have for the first year(s). This entry will not be forum (this time at least) naming, numbers or serious elaboration about value system, childcare techniques, liberties/discipline, kindergarten, education etc.
Baby swimming Newborns can naturally swim underwater, as their first nine months were inside a body pool. To bring them along back in that element seems awesome.
Baby carrier in front. I have always fancied this type of carrier. It looks safe, and the baby can see what you see.
Jogger stroller. To be able to go running with the little child must be a great experience. Maybe even try a hands-free option.
Nice handwriting. As I have come to realise that it will take enormous effort to shape up my own terrible handwriting. I will really encourage my little one(s) to get a proper touch on the pen or pencil so they can form their letters in the future with dignity.
Big enough shoes. I believe I have magnificent parents, but theories suggest there was one area they were a bit stingy; shoes. I am not completely sure that is why I have a hammer toe on each foot, but probabilities point towards exchanging shoes faster than the children’s feet grow :)
Dette er ikke for min far. Det betyr heller ikke at jeg er gift og har et barn under produksjon. Men jeg har noen klare innfall på babyprosjekter som jeg ønsker å sette til verks. Denne teksten er ikke for navngivning, antall elle seriøse utbroderier angående verdier, teknikker, oppdragelse, utdanning etc.
Babysvømming. Nyfødte kan svømme under vann ettersom de foregående ni månedene ble tilbrakt i et moderlig kroppsbasseng. Å ta med avkommet tilbake i det elementet må være vidunderlig.
Bæresele foran. Jeg likte patentet fra første blikk; den gir kontroll og lar deg og barnet se det samme samtidig.
Joggevogn. Jeg elsker å trene og folk sier det å bli foreldre er det største de har opplevd. Å trimme med en baby må være den ultimate treningen.
Fin håndskrift. Jeg har etter hvert skjønt at det skal enorme omveltninger til for at min penn skal fjerne seg fra kråkene. Jeg skal gjøre det jeg kan for å oppfordre de(n) lille til en håndskrift som uten problemer kan vises i offentlighetens lys.
Sko store nok. Mine foreldre er fantastiske, men vi har diskutert teorier som antyder at det var et område de var vel sparsom. Selv uten medisinske eller klare intellektuelle bevis tror jeg at en hammertå på hver fot kan unngås ved å bytte ut skoene raskere enn barnets føtter gror :)
Baby swimming Newborns can naturally swim underwater, as their first nine months were inside a body pool. To bring them along back in that element seems awesome.
Baby carrier in front. I have always fancied this type of carrier. It looks safe, and the baby can see what you see.
Jogger stroller. To be able to go running with the little child must be a great experience. Maybe even try a hands-free option.
Nice handwriting. As I have come to realise that it will take enormous effort to shape up my own terrible handwriting. I will really encourage my little one(s) to get a proper touch on the pen or pencil so they can form their letters in the future with dignity.
Big enough shoes. I believe I have magnificent parents, but theories suggest there was one area they were a bit stingy; shoes. I am not completely sure that is why I have a hammer toe on each foot, but probabilities point towards exchanging shoes faster than the children’s feet grow :)
Dette er ikke for min far. Det betyr heller ikke at jeg er gift og har et barn under produksjon. Men jeg har noen klare innfall på babyprosjekter som jeg ønsker å sette til verks. Denne teksten er ikke for navngivning, antall elle seriøse utbroderier angående verdier, teknikker, oppdragelse, utdanning etc.
Babysvømming. Nyfødte kan svømme under vann ettersom de foregående ni månedene ble tilbrakt i et moderlig kroppsbasseng. Å ta med avkommet tilbake i det elementet må være vidunderlig.
Bæresele foran. Jeg likte patentet fra første blikk; den gir kontroll og lar deg og barnet se det samme samtidig.
Joggevogn. Jeg elsker å trene og folk sier det å bli foreldre er det største de har opplevd. Å trimme med en baby må være den ultimate treningen.
Fin håndskrift. Jeg har etter hvert skjønt at det skal enorme omveltninger til for at min penn skal fjerne seg fra kråkene. Jeg skal gjøre det jeg kan for å oppfordre de(n) lille til en håndskrift som uten problemer kan vises i offentlighetens lys.
Sko store nok. Mine foreldre er fantastiske, men vi har diskutert teorier som antyder at det var et område de var vel sparsom. Selv uten medisinske eller klare intellektuelle bevis tror jeg at en hammertå på hver fot kan unngås ved å bytte ut skoene raskere enn barnets føtter gror :)
Monday, April 24, 2006
Guide til Adelaide
Rundt et år på etterskudd kommer min opplevelse av byen Adelaide i artikkelform på DinSide.
Dette gir deg en grei innføring i senteret av staten South Australia. Samtidig er det et eksempel på overdreven kildekontakt. Min venninne Live Sæbbe og nåværende kjæreste (bare venner den gang) Darshini Richards er begge intervjuet :).
Et annet diskusjonsmoment er min tendens til å gjøre reisebeskrivelser litt vel positive, selv om ikke alt er like glamorøst. Dette skyldes kanskje min glede i det å reise og/eller ønske om leseappell.
Dette gir deg en grei innføring i senteret av staten South Australia. Samtidig er det et eksempel på overdreven kildekontakt. Min venninne Live Sæbbe og nåværende kjæreste (bare venner den gang) Darshini Richards er begge intervjuet :).
Et annet diskusjonsmoment er min tendens til å gjøre reisebeskrivelser litt vel positive, selv om ikke alt er like glamorøst. Dette skyldes kanskje min glede i det å reise og/eller ønske om leseappell.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
E: Life glimpses
Immense uni workload makes life is tough at the moment. Doing 5th year subjects as a 4th year student without proper background and lack of co-requisite, was harder than expected. I did chose these subjects myself, but bureaucracy prevented me from doing the planned and desired ones. I now have a 5000 word media report due Monday, and three assignments adding up to 10,000 words by June 5th. The word amount I can deal with all right, but the challenging and highly terminology dense curriculum and lectures is getting to me a bit. I don’t really enjoy studying all that much, and struggle at time to focusing on other things than just to get through. I haven’t been able to do much other than studying all day recently, with a few exceptions.
One was going with my girlfriend Darsh to Tasmania from Easter Sunday to Wednesday. Picture and story to come.
Two is soccer. Season has begun, after many weeks of training and practice games. One loss and two wins (1-2, 4-1, 1-0) are the stats so far for this second division team; Northern Pumas. The coaches are great and the team is improving. It will be strange leaving the team midway in the season, especially when this year is probably the most likely shot at winning and move up to division 1.
Three is relationships. I mainly hang out with my housemates and Darsh, but have spent some time with the remaining Tuturus and others.
Four is church. I go to Bundoora Presbyterian Church every Sunday night and like it there.
One was going with my girlfriend Darsh to Tasmania from Easter Sunday to Wednesday. Picture and story to come.
Two is soccer. Season has begun, after many weeks of training and practice games. One loss and two wins (1-2, 4-1, 1-0) are the stats so far for this second division team; Northern Pumas. The coaches are great and the team is improving. It will be strange leaving the team midway in the season, especially when this year is probably the most likely shot at winning and move up to division 1.
Three is relationships. I mainly hang out with my housemates and Darsh, but have spent some time with the remaining Tuturus and others.
Four is church. I go to Bundoora Presbyterian Church every Sunday night and like it there.
E: Randomness
A few thoughts on scattered topics.
¤ I find it interesting all the things one can do while on the phone, which would be really odd, unconventional or even rude during an in-person conversation. Even when I phone calls for work I can cut my nails, eat, make faces or wear whatever (or nothing at all).
¤ By being repeatedly exposed to places and people, your perception and familiarity alters. Albeit most things change slowly, they pretty much (objectively) remain the same.
¤ An article in the Norwegian newspaper VG shows how cheap sunglasses are just as good as for protecting you from dangerous beams. This is good news for a person like me who easily lose or break them, and looks for a bargain with close to all things I buy.
¤ Another Norwegian article, this one in Adresseavisa, talks of a health director who proposed adding taxes on unhealthy food to help shape up the population. Although I don’t see it very likely to be followed through, I like the initiative.
¤ I find it interesting all the things one can do while on the phone, which would be really odd, unconventional or even rude during an in-person conversation. Even when I phone calls for work I can cut my nails, eat, make faces or wear whatever (or nothing at all).
¤ By being repeatedly exposed to places and people, your perception and familiarity alters. Albeit most things change slowly, they pretty much (objectively) remain the same.
¤ An article in the Norwegian newspaper VG shows how cheap sunglasses are just as good as for protecting you from dangerous beams. This is good news for a person like me who easily lose or break them, and looks for a bargain with close to all things I buy.
¤ Another Norwegian article, this one in Adresseavisa, talks of a health director who proposed adding taxes on unhealthy food to help shape up the population. Although I don’t see it very likely to be followed through, I like the initiative.
E: Online clips 7
Laughing right along, here are eight new clips.
Get a thrill out of watching theme park patrons’ roller coaster rides of screaming, watch a ball in-your-face marathon or a cool lotto ticket advertisement / exam trick.
On the more practical side, here are three actual ways to save time while peeling potatoes, eggs or folding your shirts. If you learn it properly, it can probably work well to impress some people.
Have you even wished the lame afraid-girl-home-alone could have ended quicker? Here is your chance.
Finally, if you are up for more, you can admire some Premier League soccer goal beauties.
Watch the past six online clip entries:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Get a thrill out of watching theme park patrons’ roller coaster rides of screaming, watch a ball in-your-face marathon or a cool lotto ticket advertisement / exam trick.
On the more practical side, here are three actual ways to save time while peeling potatoes, eggs or folding your shirts. If you learn it properly, it can probably work well to impress some people.
Have you even wished the lame afraid-girl-home-alone could have ended quicker? Here is your chance.
Finally, if you are up for more, you can admire some Premier League soccer goal beauties.
Watch the past six online clip entries:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Saturday, April 15, 2006
X: Easter paradox/påskeparadoks
Wednesday I helped Christian Union handing out free cross buns. We were busy with heating, preparing and talking to people in the gradually growing line. At our meetings, or in church for that matter, there is plenty of room. I am a bit startled of how much greater the flow towards free materialistic effect is than towards the offer of free eternal life (which Christianity offers). Hopefully the chats and the complimentary notes with description of why the cross in on the top of the bun, be of help to balance the tendencies.
Easter is here. Chocolate eggs and break from studies and work. A time for relaxation and disconnection. And meditation? The traditional Norwegian snow and ski trip are absent, but the reason behind the season is universal and not climate dependent.
Jesus died, but just as important, rose again. This to take on himself the blame of everyone else; all those who would like it that is. This is the core of the faith as a Christian. If it didn’t happen, the entire Christianity is pointless. Read 1 Cor 15:14-22. Verse 17 is the most central one:
Happy Easter!
Onsdag hjalp jeg Christian Union på universitet med å dele ut gratis cross buns (boller med meliskors på). Vi hadde det travelt med utdeling og prat med en stadig voksende kø. På møtene, eller i kirken for den sags skyld, er der god plass på benkene. Jeg finner det underlig hvor mye større tilstrømningen er til gratis materialistiske effekter av ymse slag enn tilbudet om gratis evig liv (som kristendommen tilbyr). Forhåpentligvis kan praten og lappene med beskrivelse av hvorfor korset er på toppen av bollen, være med på å balansere tendensene.
Påsken er her. Påskeegg og fri fra studier og jobb. En tid for pause og avkobling. Og ettertanke? Snøen og skiturene er fraværende, men årsaken bak begivenhet er universal og ikke klimaavhengig.
Jesus døde, men ikke minst; sto opp igjen. Dette for å ta på seg andres skyld, fra alle som ønsker å gi den fra seg. alle verdens synder på seg. Denne hendelsen er kjernepunktet i troen som kristen. Hvis dette faktisk ikke skjedde, er hele kristendommen meningsløs. Les 1 Kor 15: 14-22. Vers 17 er mest sentralt:
Ta kontakt om du skulle ha noen spørsmål.
God påske!
Easter is here. Chocolate eggs and break from studies and work. A time for relaxation and disconnection. And meditation? The traditional Norwegian snow and ski trip are absent, but the reason behind the season is universal and not climate dependent.
Jesus died, but just as important, rose again. This to take on himself the blame of everyone else; all those who would like it that is. This is the core of the faith as a Christian. If it didn’t happen, the entire Christianity is pointless. Read 1 Cor 15:14-22. Verse 17 is the most central one:
And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sinsThe world’s religions do have similar traits, but is far form alike. What separates Christianity from others, is the possibility to actual control the validity of what happened. And Jesus is the only one in the main religions who claimed to be God. If you are Christian, use Easter in gratitude for what Jesus did. If you are not, I pray that you will have an opportunity to (properly) make up your mind about what happened approximately 1973 years ago. Contact me if you have any questions.
Happy Easter!
Onsdag hjalp jeg Christian Union på universitet med å dele ut gratis cross buns (boller med meliskors på). Vi hadde det travelt med utdeling og prat med en stadig voksende kø. På møtene, eller i kirken for den sags skyld, er der god plass på benkene. Jeg finner det underlig hvor mye større tilstrømningen er til gratis materialistiske effekter av ymse slag enn tilbudet om gratis evig liv (som kristendommen tilbyr). Forhåpentligvis kan praten og lappene med beskrivelse av hvorfor korset er på toppen av bollen, være med på å balansere tendensene.
Påsken er her. Påskeegg og fri fra studier og jobb. En tid for pause og avkobling. Og ettertanke? Snøen og skiturene er fraværende, men årsaken bak begivenhet er universal og ikke klimaavhengig.
Jesus døde, men ikke minst; sto opp igjen. Dette for å ta på seg andres skyld, fra alle som ønsker å gi den fra seg. alle verdens synder på seg. Denne hendelsen er kjernepunktet i troen som kristen. Hvis dette faktisk ikke skjedde, er hele kristendommen meningsløs. Les 1 Kor 15: 14-22. Vers 17 er mest sentralt:
Men hvis Kristus ikke er stått opp, da er deres tro uten mening, og dere er fremdeles i deres synder.Verdens religioner har likhetstrekk, men er langt fra like. Det som skiller kristendommen fra andre er muligheten for å teste validiteten i det som skjedde. Og Jesus er den eneste i hovedreligionene som har hevdet at han var Gud. Er du kristen, bruk påsken i takknemlighet for Jesu offer. Er du ikke kristen, ber jeg om at du kan ta et realt oppgjør med det som skjedde i Jerusalem for cirka 1973 år siden.
Ta kontakt om du skulle ha noen spørsmål.
God påske!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
X: Shopping kick/Klesfryd
I am the type who generally does not buy clothes, don’t care much about what I wear and when I do invest, it is bargain style. But for the first time in ages, I went shopping for clothes Friday. And for the first time in even longer, I actually found it most fascinating. This is mainly due to the store choice though: Savers.
The second-hand chain is also located in US and Canada. Four of Australia’s five stores are located in Melbourne. The closest one just a few minutes away from my house on bike. I moseyed around with a smile on my face due to all the weird and original products that made the clothing racks. I ended up purchasing five items for 31 Australian dollars.
The motivation for the unusual act was simply lack of proper clothing. I limited my assortment from Norway to a minimum, primarily bringing worn-out stuff I do not need to return. The reason for Friday night being the day of the shopping spree was simply the need to get some fresh air and disconnect from studies for a bit. I later went to Will’s (a friend’s) house warming and ended the night at my friend’s Miriam’s place.
Jeg er av det slaget som kun kjøper klær når det trengs, og da på billigsalg. Derfor deler jeg at jeg for første gang på år og dag handlet klær på fredag. Og for første gang på enda lengre tid, fant jeg det svært så fascinerende. Men dette skyldes nok primært butikkvalget: Savers.
Bruktkjeden finnes også i USA og Canada. Fire av Australias fem butikker befinner seg i Melbourne. Den nærmeste er bare et par minutter unna på sykkel. Jeg tasset rundt med smilebånd med strekk i, grunnet alle de merkelige og originale produktene som hadde nådd klesstativene. Det ble til slutt kjøpt fem gjenstander til skarve 150 kroner.
Motivasjonen bak uvanligheten lå i det faktum at jeg manglet tilgang på ok klær. Jeg begrenset utvalget fra Norge til et minimum, primært bestående av utslitte klær jeg ikke har behov for å returnere. Årsaken til at det skjedde på en fredag kveld, var behovet for å komme seg ut og koble av fra studier. Kvelden endte for øvrig på innflytningsfest til Will, og senere overnatting hos min venninne Miriam.
The second-hand chain is also located in US and Canada. Four of Australia’s five stores are located in Melbourne. The closest one just a few minutes away from my house on bike. I moseyed around with a smile on my face due to all the weird and original products that made the clothing racks. I ended up purchasing five items for 31 Australian dollars.
The motivation for the unusual act was simply lack of proper clothing. I limited my assortment from Norway to a minimum, primarily bringing worn-out stuff I do not need to return. The reason for Friday night being the day of the shopping spree was simply the need to get some fresh air and disconnect from studies for a bit. I later went to Will’s (a friend’s) house warming and ended the night at my friend’s Miriam’s place.
Jeg er av det slaget som kun kjøper klær når det trengs, og da på billigsalg. Derfor deler jeg at jeg for første gang på år og dag handlet klær på fredag. Og for første gang på enda lengre tid, fant jeg det svært så fascinerende. Men dette skyldes nok primært butikkvalget: Savers.
Bruktkjeden finnes også i USA og Canada. Fire av Australias fem butikker befinner seg i Melbourne. Den nærmeste er bare et par minutter unna på sykkel. Jeg tasset rundt med smilebånd med strekk i, grunnet alle de merkelige og originale produktene som hadde nådd klesstativene. Det ble til slutt kjøpt fem gjenstander til skarve 150 kroner.
Motivasjonen bak uvanligheten lå i det faktum at jeg manglet tilgang på ok klær. Jeg begrenset utvalget fra Norge til et minimum, primært bestående av utslitte klær jeg ikke har behov for å returnere. Årsaken til at det skjedde på en fredag kveld, var behovet for å komme seg ut og koble av fra studier. Kvelden endte for øvrig på innflytningsfest til Will, og senere overnatting hos min venninne Miriam.
Friday, April 07, 2006
E: Online clips 6
With lack of composition time, I let the video show go on. Here are the prequels: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.
In this entry, I’ll start with a serious one, displaying why you should leave dangerous animals alone.
To balance the gravity, I will link one of the funniest clips there is online. How long can you watch this without laughing the Spanish introduction says.
The rest is also enjoyment. For instance Ronaldinho’s astonishing control of the soccer ball (the three times in the cross bar scene is fake).
From the media world I found a collection of annoying interferences in live TV news show.
You are bound to be picked at if you are the most powerful person in the world and unintentionally make humorous remarks in important speeches.
Marital arts requires a lot of discipline and people generally put on a serious face. But it can be amusing when things don’t go according to plan.
In this entry, I’ll start with a serious one, displaying why you should leave dangerous animals alone.
To balance the gravity, I will link one of the funniest clips there is online. How long can you watch this without laughing the Spanish introduction says.
The rest is also enjoyment. For instance Ronaldinho’s astonishing control of the soccer ball (the three times in the cross bar scene is fake).
From the media world I found a collection of annoying interferences in live TV news show.
You are bound to be picked at if you are the most powerful person in the world and unintentionally make humorous remarks in important speeches.
Marital arts requires a lot of discipline and people generally put on a serious face. But it can be amusing when things don’t go according to plan.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
X: IT employed/-ansatt
During a phone call last night, I was offered a job for all of July for the online Norwegian paper for IT and technology: As long as computer, broadband connection and telephone are in place, I have no geographical boundaries for from where I will work. That enables me to travel home north when needed – which I would like after I return to Norway and naturally for my brother’s wedding at the end of the month.
The editor provided me with journalistic confidence by cherish my article samples I turned in with my application, describing them as reader-friendly, precise, newsworthy and way ahead of the rest of the applicants. Even though I am no computer wiz, I think I will be able to narrate the freshest technology happenings in readable terms. Since my internship during my journalism degree in 2003, I have only done journalism as free lance, which will make this important experience. If the summer deputyship becomes a mutually good memory for the employee and employer, chances are great for future cooperation.
Jeg er herved ansatt i for juli måned. Så lenge pc, bredbånd og telefon er på plass, har jeg i utgangspunktet ingen geografiske begrensinger. Det gir meg muligheten til å dra nordover når det måtte trenges, som i grunn både er ønskelig like etter ankomst, men også selvsagt til min brors bryllup i slutten av måneden.
Redaktør Tore Neset ga meg journalistisk selvtillit i går kveld per ansettelsestelefon, med å rose mine arbeidsprøver som leservennlige, presise, nyhetsverdige og langt foran de andre jobbsøkerne. Selv om jeg ikke er noen dataekspert, skal jeg nok få formidlet de ferske teknologihendelsene i folkelige vendinger. Siden praktikanttiden min i Vårt Land i 2003, har jeg kun jobbet frilans uten arbeidsdagskontinuitet, så dette blir en viktig erfaring.
Om sommervikariatet blir en god erfaring for arbeidstaker og -giver, er det muligheter for framtidig skrivebidrag.
The editor provided me with journalistic confidence by cherish my article samples I turned in with my application, describing them as reader-friendly, precise, newsworthy and way ahead of the rest of the applicants. Even though I am no computer wiz, I think I will be able to narrate the freshest technology happenings in readable terms. Since my internship during my journalism degree in 2003, I have only done journalism as free lance, which will make this important experience. If the summer deputyship becomes a mutually good memory for the employee and employer, chances are great for future cooperation.
Jeg er herved ansatt i for juli måned. Så lenge pc, bredbånd og telefon er på plass, har jeg i utgangspunktet ingen geografiske begrensinger. Det gir meg muligheten til å dra nordover når det måtte trenges, som i grunn både er ønskelig like etter ankomst, men også selvsagt til min brors bryllup i slutten av måneden.
Redaktør Tore Neset ga meg journalistisk selvtillit i går kveld per ansettelsestelefon, med å rose mine arbeidsprøver som leservennlige, presise, nyhetsverdige og langt foran de andre jobbsøkerne. Selv om jeg ikke er noen dataekspert, skal jeg nok få formidlet de ferske teknologihendelsene i folkelige vendinger. Siden praktikanttiden min i Vårt Land i 2003, har jeg kun jobbet frilans uten arbeidsdagskontinuitet, så dette blir en viktig erfaring.
Om sommervikariatet blir en god erfaring for arbeidstaker og -giver, er det muligheter for framtidig skrivebidrag.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
X: Uni low/Studielavmål
I do not enjoy studying now. That feeling has not thoroughly struck me ever before. Due to the Global Crisis Reporting, I spend much more time on my subjects here in Melbourne than expected, and has little or no spare time for my master thesis, which is after all my main focus these two years. The chief issue though, is that I am not really sure what I am doing; what I am studying. Hour after hour I slowly and insecurely read page by page packed with terminology from thematic fields as sociology, literature, philosophy, media theory and history. It is too late to swap subjects, to ponder on why I was disallowed getting the subjects I originally wanted, or why, when I did have to settle for alternative, I did not chose other subjects than those from last year level requiring co-requisites I do not undertake.
From being used to master my subjects and have a feeling of downloading lots of knowledge, I am now more set on just getting through. Some days I even have feelings of unease while studying. The core irritation is still that I am not gaining as much as the work I put in. But if I want to pass, I have no choice but spend most my week dedicated to studies I don’t really understand.
April 24 I am to turn in a 5000 word media report about the avian influenza (bird flu). The empirical part should come along fine. To incorporate the subject literature however, will be a greater challenge.
Still, I do not plan to throw in the towel. I am (officially) here to study, and am not planning to experience how to fail a subject. I also got supportive family, friends and girlfriend around.
Jeg liker ikke å studere for tida. Det er nok første gangen i mitt skoleliv at den følelsen har fått godt tak i meg. Grunnet Global Crisis Reporting bruker jeg mye mer tid på fagene mine her enn antatt, og har i grunn liten eller ingen tid til overs for min masteroppgave, som tross alt er hovedfokuset mitt disse to årene. Men hovedproblemet er at jeg ikke riktig vet hva jeg holder på med; hva jeg studerer. Time etter time leser jeg sakte og usikkert side på side pakket med høyterminologi fra fagfelt som sosiologi, litteratur, filosofi, medieteori og historie. Det er for sent å tenke på å bytte, tenke på hvorfor jeg ikke kunne få fagene jeg ønsket meg i utgangspunktet eller hvorfor jeg ikke valgte noen andre alternativer enn sisteårs-emner som krever et tilleggsfag jeg ikke tar.
Fra å være vant med å mestre fagene og ha følelse av å ta inn mye nye lærdom, er jeg nå mest innstilt på å komme meg gjennom og bli ferdig. Noen dager har jeg en ”grue seg” følelse innabords, mens jeg holder på med arbeidet. Irritasjonen ligger likevel mest i det at jeg ikke føler jeg får avkastning for alt arbeidet jeg legger ned. Og om jeg skal stå, har jeg intet valg enn å tilbringe mesterparten av min uke dedikert studier jeg ikke riktig forstår.
24. april skal jeg lever en 5000 ord lang medierapport om fugleinfluensaen. Den empiriske delen skal nok gå greit. Men å inkorporere faglitteraturen blir en verre oppgave. Men jeg har ikke tenkt å kaste inn håndkleet. Jeg er tross alt her for å studere, og har ikke tenkt å debutere med det å ikke bestå. Jeg har forståelsesfulle familiemedlemmer, venner og kjæreste i systemet.
From being used to master my subjects and have a feeling of downloading lots of knowledge, I am now more set on just getting through. Some days I even have feelings of unease while studying. The core irritation is still that I am not gaining as much as the work I put in. But if I want to pass, I have no choice but spend most my week dedicated to studies I don’t really understand.
April 24 I am to turn in a 5000 word media report about the avian influenza (bird flu). The empirical part should come along fine. To incorporate the subject literature however, will be a greater challenge.
Still, I do not plan to throw in the towel. I am (officially) here to study, and am not planning to experience how to fail a subject. I also got supportive family, friends and girlfriend around.
Jeg liker ikke å studere for tida. Det er nok første gangen i mitt skoleliv at den følelsen har fått godt tak i meg. Grunnet Global Crisis Reporting bruker jeg mye mer tid på fagene mine her enn antatt, og har i grunn liten eller ingen tid til overs for min masteroppgave, som tross alt er hovedfokuset mitt disse to årene. Men hovedproblemet er at jeg ikke riktig vet hva jeg holder på med; hva jeg studerer. Time etter time leser jeg sakte og usikkert side på side pakket med høyterminologi fra fagfelt som sosiologi, litteratur, filosofi, medieteori og historie. Det er for sent å tenke på å bytte, tenke på hvorfor jeg ikke kunne få fagene jeg ønsket meg i utgangspunktet eller hvorfor jeg ikke valgte noen andre alternativer enn sisteårs-emner som krever et tilleggsfag jeg ikke tar.
Fra å være vant med å mestre fagene og ha følelse av å ta inn mye nye lærdom, er jeg nå mest innstilt på å komme meg gjennom og bli ferdig. Noen dager har jeg en ”grue seg” følelse innabords, mens jeg holder på med arbeidet. Irritasjonen ligger likevel mest i det at jeg ikke føler jeg får avkastning for alt arbeidet jeg legger ned. Og om jeg skal stå, har jeg intet valg enn å tilbringe mesterparten av min uke dedikert studier jeg ikke riktig forstår.
24. april skal jeg lever en 5000 ord lang medierapport om fugleinfluensaen. Den empiriske delen skal nok gå greit. Men å inkorporere faglitteraturen blir en verre oppgave. Men jeg har ikke tenkt å kaste inn håndkleet. Jeg er tross alt her for å studere, og har ikke tenkt å debutere med det å ikke bestå. Jeg har forståelsesfulle familiemedlemmer, venner og kjæreste i systemet.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
E: Online clips 5
More enjoyment from Metacafe: Have a peek at a gathering of bloopers from soccer, peek-a-boos or unlucky/unwise girls.
On the musical side you can view a decent beat-boxer or a startling one man horn orchestra.
Martial arts fascinates me when there is no sparring (fighting with others involved). Some are just incredible.
The first four entries of clips: 1, 2, 3, 4
On the musical side you can view a decent beat-boxer or a startling one man horn orchestra.
Martial arts fascinates me when there is no sparring (fighting with others involved). Some are just incredible.
The first four entries of clips: 1, 2, 3, 4
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