9 AM. I hear an amazing story from a colleague at work. The night before she went for a concert in a central state church in Oslo, Trefoldighetskirken. Afterwards she understands that her bike is taken. This is extra annoying as someone stole her previous bike about a year ago. But oddly enough: a few minutes later she meets two police officers walking down the street rolling her bike between them. She convinces them that it is hers and the bicycle is returned.
11:30 AM. I meet up with a friend for lunch (at Tullin’s cafe next to work) I have not seen in 3-4 weeks. After catching up for a bit he has a startling story to share. The night before he went for a concert in Trefoldighetskirken. In the middle of the event a person taps him on his shoulder asking him to check his jacket, as the stranger saw someone fiddling around with it earlier. My friend checks and cannot find his cell. The tipper and my friend runs out looking for the thief, whose description is wearing a blue jacket and is under the influence. No luck. No phone. My friends calls in to block his SIM-card.
A little later he sees a person matching the profile of the thief, who is detaching a bicycle. As my friend observes two policemen down the road, he finds the courage to approach the guy and ask to get his cell back. The guy in blue jumps onto the bike and stars paddling down the road. My friend manages to grab hold of the back of the seat and the runaway loses control and falls. The policemen arrives and take charge of the biker. His pockets are emptied and reveals several items – including the mobile phone.
My friends gets his phone back and the police takes the thief and the bike and walk away…
My colleague and my friend do not know each other and have never met.
Like I said: What are the odds?
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