Thursday, May 15, 2008

E: Divine drip 16

There is much good to extract from I carry on giving chosen pieces of challenges and encouragement.

A) We do not need Jesus because we are flawless. We need him because we are imperfect. That is also a reason for witnessing about him, not an excuse not to. Sabotaging a witness is a good devotional.

B) Christians are to pursue unity, not uniformity. I quote the devotional Fellowship among foes
”There are many ways to worship him but only one Lord. There are many different denominations but only one faith. There are many ways to be baptized but only one baptism. There are many different nations but only one destination.”
The challenge is to work together in spite our differences. Unlikeness is healthy.

C) Rather than being self-conscious, we should aim to be other-conscious. How and whom can I serve? Let me quote a on-the-point paragraph.
If you’re eager to go fishing, you’re going to be looking for the next free day on your calendar. If you are eager to play tennis, you will be on the lookout for a suitable partner to play with. In the same way, if you are eager to do good, you will be keenly aware of opportunities to serve others as they arise. It’s all in our awareness

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