Sunday, May 18, 2008

E: Academic family business

I love my family and am blessed with two caring parents and two cool siblings. As we have all peeked 20 years (my sister is turning 21 in a week), we are to relate, get to know and help each other in new, developed ways.

One of these is through academic feedback. All through our education, our parents have been helping us out with quality checking essays or testing our knowledge prior to oral or written tests/exams. Now, things can float both ways.

My father just turned in his master thesis last Thursday. He wrote about education leadership. Earlier in the week I proofread the entire thing. I think it is pretty cool that my old man, who have taken some courses and subjects after his teacher’s degree was completed, now carries on with achieving his master’s degree. I am also probably one of the few people who can say they have proofread the thesis (or school work in general) of their parents.

Also, last week, my sister had her sociology home exam due. For this too I provided my services. Now, starting this Friday, my brother has an exam in theology. He has asked my father and me for some assistance.

My mom actually took some courses the other week, but did not acquire help from us.

Thus, the title: academic family business.

Disclaimer: The image is taken from IPKat. I do not consider the assignment effort primitive, but the Larsson comic strip related and very funny :)


Anonymous said...

The old man.... so that is me!! Anyway - thanks:)

Anonymous said...

He he, kult å lese!
Hilsener fra bak mr DaVinci