Monday, July 31, 2006

E: Brother-in-law


I came back to my home in Brøstadbotn Wednesday. Thursday I made sure my brother got some challenges at "Marriage camp", the boot camp-like bachelorparty. The "yes" was exchanged at the wedding Saturday. It was a joyous, proud and special day for all the family and friends that were there. Yesterday we went with the united families on a mountain hike in my area.

Everything related to the wedding, in addition to working every day as a journalist (last working day Friday), have been the main factors for me virtually not having any time off the last week for anything else. My room is actually a mess, which is like never the case, and today I needed to have my diary catch up the past five days - something I most often write every single day. I haven't slept much and have neglected a lot of communciation to my girlfriend and others.

I have been doing well, the preperations have been heaps of fun, but it has affected the rest of my everyday. And the blog updates have also been suffering. But when I get to publish some pictures from the big day, you will see for yourself why it was worth the delay.

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