Christmas presents are a big deal for many a celebrator of the holy, silent night. But to actually purchase them is not something most people bring to their attention until right before kick off. Every year people seemed surprised and overwhelmed of how soon December 24th arrives. This causes lofts of stress and panic shopping the final hours before the unwrapping is to take place.
I am built structured, and catch myself thinking I am too organized at times. But sometimes it pays off. As for parcels for Christmas 2008, I am done. Everything is more or less set for the nearly 30 receivers. The list ain’t shorter than last year, I just like getting things out of the way. One of these years I will visit a shopping mall on the day before Christmas, go to a coffee shop, order something to drink and just sit down and enjoy the view. Being all relaxed when everyone around you ain’t, is a sensation of much relief.
How do I know what everyone wants? I don’t. But nor do most friends of mine when I asked them anyway. My circles of friends of family consist of people with more than enough. What they need, they have. Still, I love giving. Without sharing too much, I can say that I retrieve the parcels based on three keywords run by three principles:
a) Meaningful: Giving something that can help out someone less fortunate is of great importance.
b) Suitable: Even if people do not specifically share what they want, I try to give them items or experiences they may enjoy.
c) Fun: Surprises, foolishness and good laughs will never cease to be significant
To those of you not done: No rush and merry shopping!
Picture is taken from TreeFeathers Miniatures
Oi! Imponert! Det må jeg si!
Hm, da trur eg at eg skjønn ka du har pønska ut tell din far...... Skal sei eg må ble meg i over 2 måneda førr eg får åpna... Dæ e lenge å være spent det!!! Du e no en liten luring, du Sindre:)
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