Sunday, March 30, 2008

E: Countries of the world

A little Sunday mind game for you: How many countries can you name in five minutes?


I managed 82, but really froze up towards the end. Besides, when working against the clock, I forgot a bit of spelling and even names of the countries in English (Often different names in Norwegian). I would probably have done better if I had refreshed my memory on forehand watching the famous animaniacs ”nations of the world” song, or even better: learned the song – like this 4-year-old.

When I know the song, I will take the test again :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hei, denne var artig. Jeg har prøvd meg to ganger, men jeg tror ikke resultatet vil imponere deg så masse, så jeg lar det forbli en hemmelighet. Men 4-åringen imponerte. Dette skal jeg bruke som tips til lærere som har ambisjoner. Tenk for ei mulighet til å bli god i geografi!