Tuesday, February 28, 2006

X: Picture time/Bildetid

This is an accumulation of the beginning of 2006. Lack of computer time and Internet access throughout my travels have limited my ability to upload digitalized crops of reality as I’ve traveled along. Here are some tasters of the last months of photographic activity.

a) Norway: Some Norwegian glimpses from Christmas & New Year’s 2006.

b) San Francisco: Bell with family displayed great hospitality, ability to entertain and guide a traveling Norwegian around the highlight of northern California.

c) Mexico: Flavia with family made my stay very convenient with sharing various contacts, providing housing and schooling aid, dedicating time to travel with me and showing me different sides and foods of Mexico. Guadalajara took most of my three weeks. Yet Guanajuato, San Miguel, Morelia and Tequila were also encountered on our adventures.

d) Fiji: Less than a week on Fiji is enough to get an impression, but leaves you short for many of the treasures of the island empire.

e) Melbourne: See a few photos from the first week Down Under in 2006; arriving, the city, friends, university of Melbourne. There aren't too many from James' bachelorparty, as they are not married yet and to partly comply with the principal of what happens on the bucks night, stays on the bucks nite.


Dette er et oppsamlingsheat fra tiden etter jeg forlot Norge. Mangel på datatid og nettilgang, har begrenset mulighetene for å laste opp digitaliserte utsnitt fra virkeligheten. Men her kommer noen smaksprøver fra de siste par månedene i fotodrift.

a) Norge: Et par bilder fra den siste jul- og nyttårsfeiringen.

b) San Francisco: Bell med familie viste stor hjertevarme og evne til å underholde og guide en reisende nordmann en uke rundt i Californias bedre nordende.

c) Mexico: Flavia gjorde mitt opphold veldig lett gjennomførbart med mange kontakter, hjelp til å fikse bolig og skole, tid til å reise og vilje til å vise ulike sider, steder og mat av/fra Mexico. Guadalajara tok mest tid. Men Guanajuato, San Miguel, Morelia og Tequila ble også møtt oppdagelsesturer.

d) Fiji: I underkant av en uke på Fiji er nok til å få et inntrykk, men for lite til å ta inn særlig mye av øyrikets skatter.

e) Melbourne: Et par øyeblikk er også blitt foreviget etter ankomst Australia. I den første uka tilbake, opplevde jeg blant annet sentrum, gjenforening med diverse kjente og ungkarsfesten til James. Ettersom han ikke gifter seg før til helga, har jeg valgt å holde en lav profil hva distribuering av ville glimt angår.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Til vannvidd - del 2

Selv om det ikke anbefales å gjøre over lengre tid og med plagsomme intensjoner, kan det være moro å forestille seg hvordan man kan tirre sine kompiser. Her kommer det siste dusinet forslag. Leste du del 1?

13: Gurgle kaffen din.

14: Når du kommer inn i et rom hvor radioen er påslått, fall ned på kne mens
du jamrer "Det er den STEMMEN igjen!"

15: Fall ned trapper med vilje.

16: Utbryt til stadighet: "Hørte DU det?" mens du setter opp en forferdet

17: Rop "BØ" så høyt du klarer. Lat som du blir veldig skremt selv.

18. Pip når du rygger.

19. Tut og vink til fremmede.

20. Stift sammen papir på midten.

21. Syng med på operaen.

22. Utforsk offentlig hvor sakte du kan gjøre kvele-lyder.

23. Vis at en samtale er over ved å holde deg over ørene.

24. Si aldri "hadet" eller "vi snakkes". Si alltid "god bedring".

Friday, February 24, 2006

X: Unsingle/Ikke-singel

Just like that it all came to an end – my status as single. Today, February 24 2006, it was decided that Darsh & I are officially going out (see pic from today). Dasrshini Richards is a bubbly, attractive, outgoing, intelligent, Christian girl. She carries a passport from Malaysia which states that she was born in 1984. Her tertiary education is taking place at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. Next week she commences her third year of the four-year speech pathology degree.

We met around La Trobe through common friends, accommodation (Chisholm College) and mutual interest for God. As time went by and our friendship grew, it was only my return to Norway which prevented us from initiating a romance last year. Ever since we’ve been keeping close and frequent contact. Of various reasons, most likely not by chance, I ended up Down Under once again. Now, two days after her arrival from Malaysia (summer break), there wasn’t more doubt with which to deal; either we gave a relationship a chance, or subdued to some straining role play while around each other pretending that we would do better apart.

The challenge is obviously the future. My return ticket is set to the end of June. My master thesis is to be handed in June 2007. Her end of the degree is December 2007. The post-exchange plan is still under construction – hopefully with an outcome making it unnecessary to become single ever again.

Things have really fallen in place in this suburb named Brunswick. Housing, bank, bike, time table (with one exception) at University of Melbourne, church (Bundoora Presbyterian Church, like before), soccer team (Northen Pumas, like before), volleyballteam (possibly the Melbourne Falcons, like before), and now today; girlfriend. It is fine to be Dre these days.


Så var det over, livet som singel. I dag, 24. februar 2006, ble det bestemt at Darsh og jeg nå offisielt er sammen (se bilde fra i dag). Darshini Richards er en sprudlende, attraktiv, utadvent og intelligent jente. Hun bærer et pass fra Malaysia som sier hun ble født i 1984. Sin tertiære utdanning finner sted på La Trobe University i Melbourne, Australia. Neste uke begynner hennes tredje år av en logoped-grad på fire år.

Vi møttes gjennom La Trobe via felles bekjente, felles bosted (Chisholm College) og felles interesse for Gud. Det ble etter hvert åpenbart at vi gikk svært godt overens, og det var kun min retur til Norge som satte en stopper for en romanse i fjor. Hele denne tiden har vi opprettholdt tette forbindelser og god kommunikasjon. Av diverse grunner endte jeg opp Down Under igjen. Nå, to dager etter hennes retur fra Malaysia, hersket det liten tvil; vi kunne enten gi forholdet en sjanse, eller drive rollespill i hverandres nærvær som om vi ikke har noe mer enn vennskap i gjære mot begges ønsker.

Utfordringa er framtida. Min returbillett forlater Melbourne i slutten av juni. Min mastergrad er over i juni 2007. Hennes grad i desember 2007. Hva som skjer videre er fortsatt nokså uvisst, men vi jobber hardt for å finne en realiserbar løsning som forhåpentligvis vil gjøre det unødvendig å bli singel igjen.

Jeg har virkelig funnet meg til rette her i bydelen Brunswick. Jeg har fikset bolig, bank, sykkel, (nesten komplett) timeplan på universitetet, kirke (Bundoora Presbyterian Church), fotballag (Northern Pumas, som sist), (snart) volleyballag (spiller kanskje med Falcons som sist) og nå i dag; kjæreste. Det svært greit å være Sindre for tida.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

E: Aussie settlement

Still lack of internet connection at home and tightpacked arrival days, have kept me from updating my blog much recently. This might be the reality for the week to come too.

Orientation at University of Melbourne has been a pleasant experience. The various events and seminars have been useful, and the uni is centrally located with nice, classy buildings. The actual enrollement process was the quickest one in my history, taking less than 10 minutes from a formed was filled in until I got my student card. I have still to change a couple of subjects, based on coordinators' approvals. But after speaking to a few it looks as if I will be able to commence semester next week with the subjects desired. Additionally I will be working on my thesis for my media master back home.

My housemates are marvellous, yet busy peoeple. Fortunately we will have a house dinner tonight, to get together properly. I enjoy and have gotten used to the house, conveniently located north of uni and the city, and not too far off from Bundoora (suburb where my old uni La Trobe + many friends stay). I have also bought a decent mountainbike to ride to/from uni and to/from anywhere else.

I still have a bit of friends with whom I will catch up, but I am getting there.

Saturday was James Punton's bachelor party. A group of blokes with short shorts and blue-es (not sure about the spelling), had great fun with/of James - who was made up badly and dressed in a pink dress for the day. Gokart, women's underwear shopping, bbq, questionarie, beatboxing in public and dancing at club are some of the keywords that filled the day. We ended up with somewhat more serious talks and prayers.

Sunday I visited Chisholm college and Bundoora Presbyterian Church again. It was lovely to reunite with old friends and siblings in Christ. Yesterday I once again attended the Northen Pumas church soccer team, which has gotten no less than three new, serious coaches since I left. If I am able to arrange with rides, I will probably both my old church and soccer team. Volleyball is still undecided.

More to come, as soon as the days are getting more regular and the world biggest computer network can be accessed from 370 Barkly street in Brunswick. It feels very right to be in Melbourne again.

Monday, February 20, 2006

X: 3*5 Sindre

A Norwegian friend of mine challenged in my guestbook me to write five bad habits, rarities and good qualities. Here they are.

Bad habits
a) At times I spend an awful lot of time replying questions, as I want to include most (unnecessary) aspects there are.
b) I struggle with saying no.
c) I have complexes towards my smile, which can be observed on pictures of me.
d) I am known to mumble
e) I am a perfectionist

a) I wish my appearance was African-American (politically correct?)
b) I have an account of every cent spent the last four years (self-composed Exchel spreadsheet)
c) I don’t drink
d) I am writing a diary
e) I believe in God and that Jesus died and resurrected for our sins (few people do these days in Norway)

a) I am honest and reliable
b) I have an ability to listen and understand others personalities and problems fairly quickly
c) I am open and outgoing
d) I am organized and systematic (at times on the verge of being neurotic)
e) I am diligent and dedicated in the areas upon which areas I decide


Jeg har blitt utfordret til å skrive fem uvaner eller særegenheter om meg selv. Her er de.

a) Jeg bruker tidvis fryktelig lang tid på å besvare spørsmål, da jeg skal ta alle hensyn og sider i mitt svar.
b) Jeg sliter med å si nei, og har av den grunn en noe overfylt timeplan.
c) Jeg har komplekser mot mitt eget smil, som gjenspeiles i bilder tatt av undertegnede.
d) Jeg er en perfeksjonist
e) Jeg er kjent for å mumle

a) Jeg skulle ønske jeg var mørkhudet (politisk korrekt?)
b) Jeg har alle en oversikt over hver en krone jeg har tjent eller brukt de siste 3-4 årene, i egenkomponert regneark i Microsoft Excel.
c) Jeg skriver dagbok
d) Jeg tror på Gud og at Jesus døde og sto opp for våre synder (svært få gjør dette i dag)
e) Jeg drikker ikke alkohol

I dag, 7. februar, lagde hun en liste over positive egenskaper. Her er noen av de jeg tror jeg besitter.

Positive egenskaper
a) Jeg er ærlig, redelig og pålitelig.
b) Jeg har evnen til å lytte og forstå andres personlighet og problemer nokså snart
c) Jeg er utadvent og åpen.
d) Jeg er organisert og systematisk (til tider til et punkt som kan oppfattes nevrotisk)
e) Jeg er arbeidsom og dedikert i de feltene jeg begir meg inn på.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

E: Aussie return

I am back Down Under and love every bits of it. A delayed flight from Fiji brought me to Tullamarine airport of Melbourne close to 1 AM this morning. An excellent crew of Kele, Sejal, Cherrine and Sarah welcomed me in the warm Melbourne night. After reuniting, locating my new home in Brunswick, unpacking and taking a shower, I got some hours of sleep from like 3-4 AM.

At 10 AM this morning I had the first lecture of orientation week at the University of Melbourne. Till 3 PM I hung out around the campus, received millions of pamplets and pieces of information, and got a better idea of my weeks to come before uni commences February 27.

Additionally I will attend James' bachelor party (my Aussie friend for whom I will be a groomsman in March), visit Bundoora with La Trobe Uni, Chishom and the presbyterian church on Sunday (if not sooner).

It's great to be back, I enjoy my new housemates, the weather is great, I've met Will and tonight I was at St. Judes church for bible study with my housemates.

There are a million of things to be arranged before I can considered myself fully settled, but I do feel at home here.

More to come. Sooner or later I will upload pictures.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

E: Feejee!

I only have time (and money) barely to say hi and that I am alive and well. It's been a whole lot of hours since I woke up for the last time in Mexico. With the exception of some hours off on the plane, I have been on the run for I am not sure how many hours. I came from Guadalajara 2:30 pm local time Tuesday. Afterwarsd I stayed at the LA airport for around 9 hours waiting for the final flight to Fiji. I got here around 8 am this morning (Thursday, local time). The first day in this tropical wondercountry has been awesome with village visit, sand dune sliding (on boogie boards), swimming in fantastic green/blue and warm ocean and good bit of pretty sites.

I am now checked in at a beautiful Mango Bay Resort in the south part of Fiji. Tomorrow trekking, tubing on the river, bamboo rafting + more awaits. These first four days are a part of a 3 nights/four day tour with Feejee Experience.

Off to dinner and later some needed sleep.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

X: Fiji next/neste

Almost there. Fiji. My flight leaves 2:30 pm tomorrow from Guadalajara. I’ll have 9 hour stop over in LA, as my flight is postponed, and from there there is somewhere over 10 hours in another aircraft on its way to Nadi. I’ll leave Casa International 12:30 pm. I’ve had some great weeks in the most southern country in North-America. I hope to return one day – then even better in Spanish. After two weeks of having a cold/bacteria infection, I experienced a close to coughing free night – which is great upon departure.

Till this point in my life not much more but a nice name illustrating relaxing beaches and islands. My itinerary is more or less set. I will be doing a roundtrip on the main island Viti Levu with various attractions, a visit to the capital Suva, a boat cruise to the Mamanuca group (where the movie Castaway was made - not the very Island though) and hopefully a bike tour to the park of Koroyanitu, contain one of the tallest peaks on the island (somewhere above 1300 meters).


Nå er det like før. I morgen på denne tida er jeg på vei til Fiji. 14:30 går flyet. 12:30 drar jeg fra Casa Internacional. Det har vært noen supre uker i det sørligste landet i Nord-Amerika. Jeg håper å komme tilbake – da med enda bedre spansk. Etter over to uker med forkjølelse/bakterieinfeksjon, opplevde jeg endelig en rolig natt hva hosting og rennende nese angår. Det har gått noen hundre meter tørkerull her i Mexico.

Med ytterst få unntak, er dagene mine planlagte (men ikke talte) på øyriket mellom her og Australia. Med utgangspunkt i Nadi, blir det en rundtur på hovedøya Viti Levu, besøk i hovedstaden Savu, en cruisedag ut i Mamanuca-gruppen (Beachcomer Island) og forhåpentligvis rekker jeg en sykkeltur til Koroyanitu parken med et av øyas høyeste punkt (et sted over 1300 meter). Hvor mye Internettilgang jeg vil besitte er uvisst.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Til vannvidd

Siste moroforsending til min interaktive postboks inneholdt en liste over forslag på hvordan driver folk til vannvidd. Jeg har valgt ut de jeg anser som de 24 beste. Her kommer de 12 første.

1: Pakk alle tingene dine i en koffert og forklar at du reiser bort en stund
for "å finne deg selv". Gå ut av døra og kom tilbake etter 10 minutter.
Forklar at du var "lett å finne".

2: Anklag personer som går bak deg for spionasje.

3: Hvis noen ser på deg, sperr opp øynene og hves: "Jeg er forkledd!"

4: Bruk briller med tjukke glass. Påstå at du ikke ser NOEN ting. Støt borti veggen, velt stoler og snuble i matta. Når du ikke har brillene på later du
som om du ser helt fint.

5: Smil. Hele tiden!

6: ....unntatt når noen sier noe morsomt.

7: Ommøbler stua hver dag. Lat som om du ikke kjenner deg igjen når du har besøk.

8: Insister på at vennene dine bruker både fornavn og etternavn når de
snakker til deg.

9: Spyl alltid toalettet tre ganger. Tell høyt.

10: Når du er på restaurant: Spør kelneren om de har noe levende mat.

11: Dra fram et munnspill og spill blues når vennene dine snakker om seg

12: Flekk tenner og knurr når noen snakker til deg.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

E: Wonder travels

The average income may not compete with all the Western countries, but Mexico is wealthy in regards to history, architecture, culture and its people. The supreme last four days have been spent traveling outside of Guadalajara. Three amazing colorful sites have been experienced, all of which have little or all protected by UNESCO as historical sites. All three have the central attractions and locations within walking distance. If you want to spend a few weeks with Spanish courses, you have three hot candidates right here. Guanajuato is a must-do in the central part of this prosperous country. A compact, cozy settlement about 2000 meter above sea level, have about 70,000 inhabitants and a collection of narrow, blossoming streets, and underground tunnels. San Miguel is even smaller, and if possible more scenic. The concentration of gringos (Spanish for Americans) is a bit higher than the average Mexican city, not that it is any problem. The city is possible to experience without entering any building. Some churches, museums, galleries, arts and crafts shops and restaurants won’t hurt though. Morelia is the capital of the state Michocán (the others are in the state of Guanajuato), and a fair bit bigger and spread out than the other two. The various squares with fountains, churches and parkland, included the very centre with a spectacular cathedral are worth seeing though. The historical significance of the local independence fighter José Maria Teclo Morelos y Pavón, who the city is named after, is worthwhile knowing.

Additionally I’ve had a lot of fun traveling with Flavia and two oldest siblings; Olga and Jorge.

Fiji is coming up already on Monday. And it’s only 13 days till I reenter Australia! Traveling is wonderful, but in many ways I'm ready to hang out at one location for a longer period of time soon. After x numbers
of impressions, one ought to settle somewhere for a longer period of time just to unwind and enjoy the advantages of a home base and routines.

And I will keep telling you that I will publish some pictures soon. I will keep it eventually, but a busy final weekend here in Mexico may plunder those plans for the coming few days. Planning Fiji, working a bit online, expressing my travels in journalistic form and spending time with Flavia, practice, God and myself make the hours move quickly.