Jeg har tenkt litt på hvor ufattelig forskjellig man kan presentere seg selv uten å lyve eller overdrive. Avhengig av hvillke sider eller fakta man velger å legge vekt på, kan man fremstå som en rekke ulike typer. Her er noen varianter av Sindre Storvoll:
Kristen statskirkegutt, 23, med utallige leirer og gudstjenester bak seg. Ber og leser Bibelen til stadighet og er aktivt med i studentarbeid.
Kriminell mann i 20-årene, har ved flere anledninger brutt fartsgrensen i bil og har flere piratkopierte låter og programmer på sin PC.
Atletisk person (23) ville ikke hatt noe imot å trene flere ganger for dag. All fysisk aktivitet blir verdsatt, men med størst utbytte i lagidrett, jogging, ski og vekttrening. Volleyball er hovedidretten, der han har spilt i eliteserien, i europacup og vært på juniorlandslagssamling.
Snodig hvit, norsk mann ville vært svart om han fikk velge. Han samler på nøkkelringer utenlandske mynter. Smånevrotisk systematiker som regnskapsfører hvert øre han bruker, fører dagbok og skriver ned alle mobilmeldingene han synes er verdt å iverata.
Reisegal journaliststudent fra Nord-norge har vært i 30 land i løpet av sine 23 første leveår. Reisejournalstikk er en favorisert kombinasjon.
Alle disse representerer meg, men på vidt forskjellige måter, om de kun får se et avsnitt. Det samme gjelder bilder, påkledning og humør – hvis man begrenser seg til et engangsmøte. Jeg gjør selvsagt mitt for å prøve å være så meg-selv som mulig i møte med nye (og eksisterende) relasjoner.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Saturday, July 30, 2005
E: Fast Fun Facts
A close friend of mine, shared a chain e-mail with some interesting facts on which to ponder.
• Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.
• Coca-Cola was originally green.
• It is impossible to lick your elbow. (Or so I thought. My friend who sent me this is actually able to! But she has a abnormally long tongue)
• The State (in the US) with the highest percentage of people who walk to work: Alaska
• The percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28%
• The percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%
• Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair
• Many years ago, in Scotland, a new game was invented It was ruled "Gentlemen Only...Ladies Forbidden". And thus the word GOLF entered into the English language.
• The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.
• The first novel ever written on a typewriter: Tom Sawyer.
• The San Francisco Cable cars are the only mobile National Monuments.
• Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.
• Coca-Cola was originally green.
• It is impossible to lick your elbow. (Or so I thought. My friend who sent me this is actually able to! But she has a abnormally long tongue)
• The State (in the US) with the highest percentage of people who walk to work: Alaska
• The percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28%
• The percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%
• Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair
• Many years ago, in Scotland, a new game was invented It was ruled "Gentlemen Only...Ladies Forbidden". And thus the word GOLF entered into the English language.
• The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.
• The first novel ever written on a typewriter: Tom Sawyer.
• The San Francisco Cable cars are the only mobile National Monuments.
Friday, July 29, 2005
X: Wedded pics/gifte bilder
Pictures from the wedding of Marit & Tor, in addition to shots from the bachelorette party, are now available. Read more about what took place in "Wedded weeks".
Bilder fra bryllupet til Marit & Tor, samt utdrikningslaget til Marit, er nå tilgjengelig. Les mer om hendelsesforløpet på "Wedded weeks" (engelsk).
Bilder fra bryllupet til Marit & Tor, samt utdrikningslaget til Marit, er nå tilgjengelig. Les mer om hendelsesforløpet på "Wedded weeks" (engelsk).
Thursday, July 28, 2005
X: Elevation / Musikk-opphøyelse
One of the greatest bands through all times performed what became one of my greatest on-stage-experiences ever. All the famous hits and a few fresh tunes poured out over the crowd (concert playlist). Never before have I seen so many Norwegians at one place. Over 40 000 wild fans clapped, cheered and sang along to U2’s catchy rhythms.
Even though the ticket hunters gradually intensified their offers, I concluded I wouldn’t let go of my ticket for less than 10 times the initial price (which was NOK 650 = US 100). Together with three other friends, I arrived at the concert venue (Valle Hovin) soon after 4 pm. The doors opened 5 pm. 8:45 pm U2 entered the stage. A few warm-up bands were approved for their beat, but things did not get untamed until the famous Irishmen amplified sound waves into the night. They actually played for 10 minutes longer than scheduled (11pm). We were standing right behind the first (and only) fence (30 meters from the stage (surrounded by those who had been waiting in line forever)), meaning in the middle of the throng and atmosphere. I was so excited after the concert, that I actually went ahead and bought a t-shirt – which is most unlikely me.
Odd was too the amount of cheer Bono gave Norway. The chief profile, singer and guitar-player said Norway was the best country in the world to fight poverty. He also said the world would have been a better place with 10 000 Norways. Some of tonight’s messages to get across where to make poverty history, with a strong focus on Africa, and to coexist in spite difference of religion.
I came to Oslo with the 7am flight simply to get to see the concert. Five of today’s hours where spent in the offices of the internet page DinSide where I have a part time job in updating the bank database for the economics section. The travel section is where I have been free lancing the most lately. From there it was all U2.
A childhood friend (Mona), who where at the concert too, houses me overnight as we are catching the same flight to the north of Norway 10:55 am. It’s now 3 am.
The only things I regret, is not bringing my camera. Even though it said not to bring it, many people were let in with one. Scanpix have decent compensating selection of concert shots.
It’s a beautiful day!
Et av verdens største band gjennom tidene fremførte det som ble en av mine største arrangementopplevelser noen sinne. Alle de store hittene, samt litt ferskere materiale, feide over folkehavet (Se spillelista). Aldri før har jeg sett så mange nordmenn på et sted. Over 40.000 ville fans klappet, jublet og sang med til U2s fengende rytmer.
Selv om billettkjøperne ble stadig ivrigere frem mot inngang, ville jeg ikke gitt den fra meg for mindre enn ti ganger innkjøpsprisen (650 kroner). Sammen med Ingrid Langen og et annet vennepar, troppet vi opp til Valle Hovin (konsertarenaen) kort tid etter 16:00. 17:00 åpent dørene. 20:45 kom U2 på scenen. Et par oppvarmingsband loddet stemninga, men tok av gjorde det ikke før de kjente irene sendte forsterkete lydbølger ut i kvelden. De holdte faktisk på 10 minutt lengre enn angitte 23. Vi sto rett bak første sperring (30 meter fra scenen) og ble værende midt i mengden. Så gira var jeg faktisk etterpå, at jeg kjøpte en t-skjorte med bandet – noe høyst unormalt for min karakter.
Unormalt var også megden skryt fra Bono. Vokalisten (og gitaristen) sa Norge var det beste landet i verden til å bekjempe fattigdom, og at verden ville vært et bedre sted med ”10.000 Norger.” Av kampsakene i kveld var det å gjøre fattigdom til historie, med fokus på Afrika, og det å leve sammen på tross av religionene (coexist).
Jeg kom til Oslo med 7-flyet, ene og alene for å se på konserten. Fem av morgentimene tilbrakte jeg i DinSides lokaler for min deltidsjobb i økonomiredaksjonenen (med å oppdatere bandatabasen). Deretter bar det på konsert.
Mona Evensen, en barndomsvenninne, traff jeg på etter konserten. Og da vi sammen skal på 10:55 nordover i morgen, overnatter jeg liksågodt her. 3 ble klokka før lyset gikk av.
Det eneste jeg angrer på fra i dag er at jeg ikke tok med fotoapparat. Selv om aviser og billetten sa strengt i fra om at det var kameraforbud, slapp mange inn med det. Scanpix gjorde likevel en grei jobb med å dokumentere konserten i bilder.
For en beautiful day.
Even though the ticket hunters gradually intensified their offers, I concluded I wouldn’t let go of my ticket for less than 10 times the initial price (which was NOK 650 = US 100). Together with three other friends, I arrived at the concert venue (Valle Hovin) soon after 4 pm. The doors opened 5 pm. 8:45 pm U2 entered the stage. A few warm-up bands were approved for their beat, but things did not get untamed until the famous Irishmen amplified sound waves into the night. They actually played for 10 minutes longer than scheduled (11pm). We were standing right behind the first (and only) fence (30 meters from the stage (surrounded by those who had been waiting in line forever)), meaning in the middle of the throng and atmosphere. I was so excited after the concert, that I actually went ahead and bought a t-shirt – which is most unlikely me.
Odd was too the amount of cheer Bono gave Norway. The chief profile, singer and guitar-player said Norway was the best country in the world to fight poverty. He also said the world would have been a better place with 10 000 Norways. Some of tonight’s messages to get across where to make poverty history, with a strong focus on Africa, and to coexist in spite difference of religion.
I came to Oslo with the 7am flight simply to get to see the concert. Five of today’s hours where spent in the offices of the internet page DinSide where I have a part time job in updating the bank database for the economics section. The travel section is where I have been free lancing the most lately. From there it was all U2.
A childhood friend (Mona), who where at the concert too, houses me overnight as we are catching the same flight to the north of Norway 10:55 am. It’s now 3 am.
The only things I regret, is not bringing my camera. Even though it said not to bring it, many people were let in with one. Scanpix have decent compensating selection of concert shots.
It’s a beautiful day!
Et av verdens største band gjennom tidene fremførte det som ble en av mine største arrangementopplevelser noen sinne. Alle de store hittene, samt litt ferskere materiale, feide over folkehavet (Se spillelista). Aldri før har jeg sett så mange nordmenn på et sted. Over 40.000 ville fans klappet, jublet og sang med til U2s fengende rytmer.
Selv om billettkjøperne ble stadig ivrigere frem mot inngang, ville jeg ikke gitt den fra meg for mindre enn ti ganger innkjøpsprisen (650 kroner). Sammen med Ingrid Langen og et annet vennepar, troppet vi opp til Valle Hovin (konsertarenaen) kort tid etter 16:00. 17:00 åpent dørene. 20:45 kom U2 på scenen. Et par oppvarmingsband loddet stemninga, men tok av gjorde det ikke før de kjente irene sendte forsterkete lydbølger ut i kvelden. De holdte faktisk på 10 minutt lengre enn angitte 23. Vi sto rett bak første sperring (30 meter fra scenen) og ble værende midt i mengden. Så gira var jeg faktisk etterpå, at jeg kjøpte en t-skjorte med bandet – noe høyst unormalt for min karakter.
Unormalt var også megden skryt fra Bono. Vokalisten (og gitaristen) sa Norge var det beste landet i verden til å bekjempe fattigdom, og at verden ville vært et bedre sted med ”10.000 Norger.” Av kampsakene i kveld var det å gjøre fattigdom til historie, med fokus på Afrika, og det å leve sammen på tross av religionene (coexist).
Jeg kom til Oslo med 7-flyet, ene og alene for å se på konserten. Fem av morgentimene tilbrakte jeg i DinSides lokaler for min deltidsjobb i økonomiredaksjonenen (med å oppdatere bandatabasen). Deretter bar det på konsert.
Mona Evensen, en barndomsvenninne, traff jeg på etter konserten. Og da vi sammen skal på 10:55 nordover i morgen, overnatter jeg liksågodt her. 3 ble klokka før lyset gikk av.
Det eneste jeg angrer på fra i dag er at jeg ikke tok med fotoapparat. Selv om aviser og billetten sa strengt i fra om at det var kameraforbud, slapp mange inn med det. Scanpix gjorde likevel en grei jobb med å dokumentere konserten i bilder.
For en beautiful day.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
X: 2 U2/til U2
Life is good. I am at home with my family in Brøstadbotn (Township of Dyrøy) and get to practice, work, be with friends and prepare for my stay in Oslo. Housing, loans, master thesis and a few other practical matters are still to be completed. But I'm getting there. Tomorrow though, I'll take a day totally off, fly down to Oslo and enjoy the band U2 themselves in concert. I'll return Thursday before noon. Updates will naturally be provided.
Liver er godt. Jeg er hjemme med min familie i Brøstadbotn (Dyrøy kommune) og får trent, jobbet, vært med venner og forberedt meg på mitt opphold i Oslo. Bosted, studielån, masteroppgaveide og et par andre praktiske ting trenger fortsatt litt finpuss. Men jeg kommer meg dit. Gradvis. I morgen skal jeg ta meg en dag helt fri, fly ned til Oslo og nyte en konsert med selveste U2. Jeg kommer tilbake torsdag formiddag. Oppdateringer herfra vil selvsagt komme i etterkant.
Liver er godt. Jeg er hjemme med min familie i Brøstadbotn (Dyrøy kommune) og får trent, jobbet, vært med venner og forberedt meg på mitt opphold i Oslo. Bosted, studielån, masteroppgaveide og et par andre praktiske ting trenger fortsatt litt finpuss. Men jeg kommer meg dit. Gradvis. I morgen skal jeg ta meg en dag helt fri, fly ned til Oslo og nyte en konsert med selveste U2. Jeg kommer tilbake torsdag formiddag. Oppdateringer herfra vil selvsagt komme i etterkant.
E: Wedded weeks
I am trying to catch up from putting most of my everyday life on standby the last dozen days or so for a bachelorette party and the wedding of a very close friend of mine; Marit Østrem Skoglund. Sorry for the lack of update, but it was online absence well spent. Also knowing the groom, Tor S Ditlevesen, and many of the family and friends invited, enhanced the experienced even more.
Friday was the big day. Following the bride the hours before the big day was a unique experience, during my best man-debut. Unorthodoxly, the bride chose both a best man and a chief bridesmaid (Camilla Isaksen). This was nothing but an advantage though, as we had plenty to do and could back each other.
The wedding itself was a time of great atmosphere, emotions and some nerves. Coming from music-gifted families, the ceremony was boosted from talented singers and musicians. That hour in church (of Finnsnes) was a natural high regardless, as we all knew the ones going through their life-long commitment. Although it was no doubt what the answer was going to be or what were to happen, as we practiced the day before, I felt strongly as if I was taking part in something huge.
After about an hour and a half with the photographer afterwards, we headed for the party where the 66 guests were waiting.
The celebration (at Holmen camp site) was traditionally divided into a dinner and a coffee segment. The bride, groom, bride’s father, groom’s mother, the chief bridesmaid and the best men (Tor also had one) got to share their moving talks. My speech was angled through comparing Marit to a pearl – which is the Latin origin of her name.
The night slice contained tasty cakes, songs, more speeches, cozy chit chat, a funny skit and humorous films from the bachelor parties.
Last weekend, 16th - 17th of July, we (Camilla & I) arranged the bachelor party, or more correctly bachelorette party, for the wife-to-be. Joined by a few other of Marit’s girlfriends, we went crazy in the city of Finnsnes. Unaware of what was to happen, Marit was snatched from the house of her boyfriend, given silly clothes to wear and brought downtown in silence. The theme of the day was for her to lead a campaign making Finnsnes a town again (remove the city status (Finnsnes is a small city (10.000 people) and not everyone thinks it’s big enough to be a city)). Promoting all supposedly rural-community stuff, she was to fish in the city lake (which has no life), wash clothes with an old-fashioned washing board, promote semi-serious arguments for why remove the city status through a megaphone at the city square, and collect signatures for her case (she got 27 in 30 minutes). Additionally she had to request a discount when she bought a dog leash – as she said it was for her husband-to-be. Later, some of us kidnapped her again. Blindfolded and tied up, she was driven to the pier where we threw her in a boat. A couple of hours later (she got to see after 20 minutes) we reached shore at Myklenes on the island of Senja (2nd largest in Norway) where we barbequed, enjoyed ourselves, had a night swim and a lot of fun. The only remaining challenge for the soon wedded was to try to figure out water-skiing.
Expect for two nights of work, most of last week was spent preparing for the wedding, with pictures presentations, movie editing, speech writing among other tasks. It has been a lot of work, but all worth it.
Pictures will be posted asap.
Friday was the big day. Following the bride the hours before the big day was a unique experience, during my best man-debut. Unorthodoxly, the bride chose both a best man and a chief bridesmaid (Camilla Isaksen). This was nothing but an advantage though, as we had plenty to do and could back each other.
The wedding itself was a time of great atmosphere, emotions and some nerves. Coming from music-gifted families, the ceremony was boosted from talented singers and musicians. That hour in church (of Finnsnes) was a natural high regardless, as we all knew the ones going through their life-long commitment. Although it was no doubt what the answer was going to be or what were to happen, as we practiced the day before, I felt strongly as if I was taking part in something huge.
After about an hour and a half with the photographer afterwards, we headed for the party where the 66 guests were waiting.
The celebration (at Holmen camp site) was traditionally divided into a dinner and a coffee segment. The bride, groom, bride’s father, groom’s mother, the chief bridesmaid and the best men (Tor also had one) got to share their moving talks. My speech was angled through comparing Marit to a pearl – which is the Latin origin of her name.
The night slice contained tasty cakes, songs, more speeches, cozy chit chat, a funny skit and humorous films from the bachelor parties.
Last weekend, 16th - 17th of July, we (Camilla & I) arranged the bachelor party, or more correctly bachelorette party, for the wife-to-be. Joined by a few other of Marit’s girlfriends, we went crazy in the city of Finnsnes. Unaware of what was to happen, Marit was snatched from the house of her boyfriend, given silly clothes to wear and brought downtown in silence. The theme of the day was for her to lead a campaign making Finnsnes a town again (remove the city status (Finnsnes is a small city (10.000 people) and not everyone thinks it’s big enough to be a city)). Promoting all supposedly rural-community stuff, she was to fish in the city lake (which has no life), wash clothes with an old-fashioned washing board, promote semi-serious arguments for why remove the city status through a megaphone at the city square, and collect signatures for her case (she got 27 in 30 minutes). Additionally she had to request a discount when she bought a dog leash – as she said it was for her husband-to-be. Later, some of us kidnapped her again. Blindfolded and tied up, she was driven to the pier where we threw her in a boat. A couple of hours later (she got to see after 20 minutes) we reached shore at Myklenes on the island of Senja (2nd largest in Norway) where we barbequed, enjoyed ourselves, had a night swim and a lot of fun. The only remaining challenge for the soon wedded was to try to figure out water-skiing.
Expect for two nights of work, most of last week was spent preparing for the wedding, with pictures presentations, movie editing, speech writing among other tasks. It has been a lot of work, but all worth it.
Pictures will be posted asap.
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