Moreover, I am fed up with all conventional bullcrap regarding opinions, actions and what is found appropriate. I will keep behaving, but have stopped playing safe in cases where I know there is really others things I wanna do or say. Now work is up.
I have enjoyed being a journalist, and still do. As long as I am a journalist, there are not too many other work locations at which I would rather be. But for the last year or so I have experienced a growing unsettling feeling of not quite being where I am supposed to be. I do not aim to be best, but to be all that I can be and what I am. I love getting paid to share what I learn, but I still believe there are other qualities and settings where I could “shine” even more with my abilities – thus being happier and doing a better job.
I have been thinking quite a bit about leadership positions. About strategy, conflict solving, HR management, consultation, therapy, teaching and pedagogic etc. Working with motivation and encouragement have been key desires. Psychology may be the answer.
All my life I have enjoyed engaging in conversations, issues and problems in other people’s life. I have had many a person turn to me in times of difficulties. I am able to listen and analyze, and believe I have the guts to let people know what I think – even when it hurts. While in the US as an exchange student, I had psychology in high school. I felt it was real obvious, but just did not know the terminology on forehand. Most importantly
When applying for university, I thought about either journalism or psychology. But I had been thinking about writing for so long, that there was really just one option. And I have had a good run with journalism and the continuation of media studies master. But now times are set to move forward.
A few weeks ago I applied to be enrolled in university again, starting next semester. At the bottom of this entry, you can find the list – in Norwegian. The topics in brief; Psychology, economics and administration, physiotherapy, sign language and leadership. But it is mainly to fill the list. I am going for psychology. To become a psychologist I need not less than six years of study. I have five from before. This will be a long, challenging journey, but I am motivated to begin.
And that is probably my main drive. I need to start to figure out if this is what I want to do. And I need to quit (or reduce) my job (heavily) to understand if I really should have stayed. The last thing I want is to wind up as s 65-year-old, wondering why I never dared to try. ‘Cause if I regret, I can always go back to work. I have a master’s degree and plenty of opportunities to work in various fields. There is also chances of changing to a bachelor’s degree in psychology or go onto a master degree in organizational psychology and leadership.
This is where I am now. And I like to be in offense when facing challenges. I do not have to quit my job, start studying or rethink my future. But I am, and am doing it when and because I want to.
1. UiO Psykologi profesjon, start høst
2. UiO Psykologi profesjon, start vår
3. UiO Psykologi (bachelor)
4. HiO Økonomi og ledelse, årsstudium, deltid
5. HiO Økonomi og ledelse, årsstudium
6. HiO Fysioterapeututdanning
7. UiO Offentlig administrasjon og ledelse
8. UiO Tegnspråk og tolking, årsenhet
9. HiHm Informasjon og samfunnskontakt, deltid, Rena
10. HiL Organisasjon og ledelse