I am in Liverpool. As a journalist. Covering the fullfilment of dreams from a young lad from Brøstadbotn – my home town. With his Liverpool-hooked family, the 11-year-old goalkeeper Sindre (yes, that is my name too), got to meet the player he one days want to outbeat: Reina. We also had a good look and great personalized tour of Anfield Road, the home stadium, from Brian Hall himself, an important midfielder for The Reds in the 60s and 70s. And we actually got to step out onto the very grass ground.. Sweet.
After shipping the story to Norway to be published in Troms Folkeblad tomorrow, we went out to eat at Jamie Carragher’s restaurant Cafe Sports with two of Liverpool Football Club’s biggest fans: Sam and Lisa, who helped sort this wonderful trip out with all their connections into the club.
Albeit being at work today and having a rush with finishing writing my story, I had a childlike enjoyment with meeting the players and visiting the gigantic stadium in Stanley park. And tomorrow Liverpool plays Hull at Anfield and we will watch it from VIP seats.
Albert Docks and the Beatles museums will also be paid a visit either tomorrow or Sunday. We return from Manchester on Monday.
You will never walk alone
Great, Sindre!
I am really happy for you two Sindres over there! Have a great time, enjoy it! And welcome home for Christmas!!
Vi er rørt når vi leser dagens avis - og enda mer rørt når vi ser at også storeSindre møter Reina. J vet d er stort f d:) Kos dere videre!!
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