Wednesday, October 31, 2007

X: Silver play/sølvspill

We became second this weekend at the volleyball ranking tournament in Sandnes, close to the west coast city of Stavanger. I played a couple of the five matches, and am satisfied with my own outside hitting. It was nice combining a social volleyball weekend with a few journalistic tasks for work at the nearby town of Vigrestad. This gave me the opportunity to walk through downtown Stavanger, for the first time in my life, before returning home Monday night. A much viewworthy city, it is.


Vi ble nummer 2. Jeg spilte første kamp og semifinalen, og er tilfreds med innsatsen. Turneringsreferat her. Helga var for øvrig fin med sosial volleyballtur kombinert med skriveoppdrag for Agenda 3:16 på Vigrestad. I tillegg fikk jeg mandag sjansen for første å trave rundt i Stavanger sentrum – en svært flott en by.

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