Thursday, March 30, 2006

X: Paint war/Malingskrig

My paintball debut took place Saturday March 18 (pics here). To run around in army clothes replicas, BMX helmet look-alike and a gun loaded with balls of paint is actually very fascinating. As a pacifist I must underline that what makes the mature game (for playful grown-ups) amusing is not the shooting, but the hunting instinct and the adrenalin kick. Just like hide-and-seek.

The locality for the matter was Semoz Paintball in Echuca, a little city just past the boarder to New South Wales – as the sport is illegal in Victoria. A dozen acquaintances of Cathrine Wort, including Zoe, Taya, Ed, Darsh and I, spread in four cars gunning the 2-3 hours up north. Even with a delay, we had plenty of time to paint stain each other in high velocity. There were numerous of other players there even with a 30 degree sunshine outside. We got merged into two other groups, equaling roughly 10 vs 10. I voluntarily chose to be Darsh opponent, but never manage to get her in shooting range. In the aftermath we discussed that there is a chance she might have gotten me once. There were various of different playgrounds and games to play with various aims.

I was hit a few times by others, took down a few, and captured the flag a couple of times. Also, I was probably the one in our group struck most frequently without “dying” (i.e. hit without paintball splat).

Even with the hot day, the sweaty masks and the lousiest barbeque ever, paintball is strongly recommended.


Min debut i paintball skjedde lørdag 18. mars (bilder her). Å springe rundt i etterligninger av militærdresser og BMX-hjelmer med gevær full av malingskuler i hånd er faktisk utrolig fascinerende. Som pasifist må jeg understreke at det som gjør voksenleken gøyal er mer jaktinstinkt og adrenalinstøt enn skytinga i seg selv; akkurat som gjem-og-lete.

Åstedet for affæren var Semoz paintball i Echuca, nord for Melbourne, i staten New South Wales - da sporten er forbudt i Victoria. Et dusin bekjente av Cathrine Wort, inkludert Zoe, Taya, Eddie, Darsh og meg, spredte oss i fire biler de 2-3 timene kjøreturen tar. Selv med forsinkelse, hadde vi nok av tid å tilgrise hverandre i maling i høy fart. En haug med folk delte vår interesse, også denne lørdagen med 30 graders sol, men med utallige ulike baner og type kampleker, var det enkelt nok å fordele seg. Vi ble fordelt sammen med en annen gjeng til en gruppe på ca 10 x 10. Jeg valgte frivillig Darshs motstander, men fikk faktisk aldri tatt henne ut. Derimot ble jeg truffet en del ganger, traff en del motstandere, fikk has på flagget noen ganger det behøvdes. I tillegg var jeg nok den av oss alle som ble truffet flest ganger uten å ”dø” (dvs at malingen ikke spredte seg).

Selv om varmen kjentes godt, maskene var ekstra svette og grillunsjen var noe av det mest tragiske jeg har vært borte i, var det storgøyalt med paintball.

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