Thursday, October 11, 2007

E: Divine drip 12

I have not been very good at updating these drops, despite a bucket of valuable input in all types of settings. This time around I will give a selection of a few ideas that I have found valuable and/or increased my brain activity.

* Jesus never asks for improvement and increased activity. All he wants is for us to love him. This will most likely cause our behavior to change also, but first and foremost we are made to love (listen to TobyMacs song).

* If you want to live with someone, you need to be willing to die a bit yourself. Love is sacrifice, letting someone else be for whom you live.

* God chooses special characters as his followers, few which are ranked particularly high in the current society. Fishermen and shepherds are obvious examples, but most of the Jesus handpicked people are unknown nobodies till the Lord came along.

* God used the worst happening in history (the crucifixion of Jesus) as the greatest victory.

* Jesus did not promise lack of suffering, but presence whilst it happens.

* When resurrecting, Jesus opened what had been an inseparable connection between sin and death. There is no point in Christianity if not for the ressurection.

* We are not to discover our gifts or get highly trained to be ready to serve for God. Being a servant is accommodating the person in need, not seeing what we ourselves do best. We can all devote our lives in service for others.

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