Tuesday, August 26, 2008

E: Divine drip 18

I have been thinking a lot about church shopping lately. In spite having been a confident Christian for the longest time, having been in Oslo for a total of 4,5 years and been in chrurch more or less every Sunday most my life, I have not properly settled in any congregation. This sucks, and I am most keen to devote myself in one church anytime soon. This I want to do with my precious girlfriend, and we are in the process of settling. Being a Christian involves fellowship with other siblings in Christ.

Now for some divine words of wisdom based on devotionals from PurposeDrivenLife.com:

Broken down, Christianity has little to do with religion, politics or culture. It is all about Jesus. So many filter-like aspects and human-built aspects interfere with the actual human being, the man Christ, who teaches and does marvellous things.

Everyone needs God, also those who believe they don’t. That is my take, based on the Bible. But the way of getting close to Him is by wanting to. God leaves you be, if the urge is not there.

The world is not wrong, it is lost. The danger of judging people and places can result in the following notion of what Christians are trying to convey: "We really don’t like you unless you see things the way we do". This is so wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you worshipped at the American Lutheran Congregation in Oslo?